English Encounters
591 Brant Street, Burlington, L7R 2G6, Canada
English Encounters
Načúvanie, hovorenie, výslovnosť, čítanie, písanie, Slovník, gramatika a aktivity
Plán kurzu sa môže zmeniť v závislosti od dostupnosti a sezóny.
Fast Facts
• 20 group + 5 private lessons per week
• small group (3-8 students) lessons in the mornings
• all language skills
• business English
• daily homework assignments
• 5 levels
• regular testing
• weekly self-study package
Designed for professionals, the Business English Course gives you the language skills you need to succeed in the world of business where English has become the lingua franca. In your group lessons,, which are typically held in the morning, students focus on improving their English communication in a business setting. Skills include reading, speed-reading, listening, telephoning, making presentations, conducting and attending meetings, email writing and other business correspondence.
Course Content
• Group lessons (20/week)
• based on Market Leader textbook series
• 5 levels –Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, High Intermediate, Semi-Advanced, Advanced
• regular testing (eg. biweekly) and opportunity for promotion
• includes use of coursebook
• supplemental materials include frequent handouts for grammar, vocabulary, Canadian culture, general English, and idioms
• all skills including conversation, grammar, listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, writing, discussion, debate, role play etc.
Priemer | 6 študentov |
Maximum | 9 študentov |
Vekové rozmedzie | 18 - 70 ročný |
English Encounters je škola ESL (angličtina ako druhý jazyk), ktorá poskytuje komplexnú skúsenosť s jazykovým vzdelávaním pre zahraničných študentov. Zaviazali sme sa pomáhať našim študentom rozvíjať ich jazykové znalosti v priateľskom a podpornom prostredí. Ponúkame celý rad kurzov, od začiatočníkov až po pokročilé, ktoré uspokoja rôznorodé potreby našich študentov. Naši učitelia využívajú pri vyučovaní komunikatívny prístup, ktorý zdôrazňuje dôležitosť používania jazyka v reálnych situáciách. Prostredníctvom tohto prístupu môžu študenti získať praktické jazykové zručnosti a vybudovať si dôveru v schopnosť efektívne komunikovať v angličtine. Okrem toho ponúkame výlety a exkurzie na miestne zaujímavé miesta, ako sú Toronto a Niagarské vodopády. Celkovo je English Encounters skvelou voľbou pre každého, kto chce zlepšiť svoje znalosti angličtiny a uspieť v anglicky hovoriacom prostredí.
Preskúmajte výučbu angličtiny v Kanade
Naša škola, ktorú založila v roku 1996 Lesley Bogue, neustále rastie. V roku 2009 sme sa stali súčasťou Sprachenzentrum Wöhler e.K., rešpektovanej jazykovej školy s nemeckou základňou. V roku 2010 sme zmenili značku na English Encounters, presťahovali sme sa do centra Burlingtonu a získali sme akreditáciu od Languages Canada a Quality English. Sme tiež určená vzdelávacia inštitúcia, certifikovaná kanadskou vládou.
Naša misia je jasná a priamočiara: poskytovať prvotriedne hodiny angličtiny, ktoré umožnia každému plynule hovoriť s istotou a dosiahnuť svoje jazykové ciele.
Priateľský a skúsený tím
Na English Encounters sú naši učitelia nielen odborníci, ale aj priateľskí a prístupní. Sú to certifikovaní ESL profesionáli s množstvom skúseností a špeciálnymi certifikátmi na výučbu angličtiny. Veríme, že mať učiteľov, ktorí sú milí, nadšení a trpezliví, je rozhodujúce pre vaše šťastie a úspech pri učení angličtiny v Kanade.
Hodnotenie a certifikáty
Keď prvýkrát prídete, absolvujete test na určenie úrovne angličtiny. To pomôže vášmu učiteľovi vytvoriť personalizovaný študijný plán práve pre vás. Po úspešnom absolvovaní kurzu dostanete certifikát a správu o pokroku na oslavu vašich úspechov.
Naša rozmanitá komunita
Naši študenti pochádzajú z celého sveta, čo znamená, že na svojich hodinách stretnete ľudí z mnohých rôznych kultúr. Počas výučby angličtiny v Kanade nielen spoznáte Kanaďanov, ale získate aj priateľov z celého sveta, čím vytvoríte jedinečný a obohacujúci zážitok. Pridajte sa k nám na English Encounters na vzrušujúcu cestu do anglického jazyka a globálnych kultúr.
Mix národností a veku v !school je rôzny v rôznych časových obdobiach, kurzoch a úrovniach.
má študentov z celého sveta, vrátane:
V sa nevyučuje počas sviatkov v nižšie uvedených dátumoch. Škola nenahrádza vyučovanie, ktoré pripadne na tieto sviatky, tak sa uistite, že ste to zohľadnili pri výbere termínu vášho začiatku.
Burlington, mesto 166.000 ľudí, je skvelým miestom na pobyt a štúdium angličtiny. Nachádza sa v južnom Ontáriu na severnom brehu jazera Ontario medzi Toronto a Hamilton. Je to veľmi bezpečná oblasť s vysokou životnou úrovňou.
Sme malé a priateľské jazykové centrum v pešej vzdialenosti od jazera, parku a promenády, pláže, veľkého nákupného centra, reštaurácií a krčiem, autobusovej a vlakovej stanice. Do Toronta alebo Niagarských vodopádov je to menej ako jednu hodinu vlakom alebo autom.
Podľa MoneySense, popredného časopisu o životnom štýle a investíciách, je mesto Burlington najlepším mestom pre život v oblasti Veľkého Toronta a druhým najlepším v Kanade! Celý článok si môžete prečítať na webovej stránke MoneySense.
First of all in my opinion, the location of this school was perfect . The school is located downtown in a small city called Burlington on the shore of Lake Ontario. It was really nice to cycle every day to school.
The school has 5 classes and I had the opportunity to take lessons with 4 different teachers. We were a maximum of 9 students per class. The teachers are really serious in their work but also in their friendships. They create a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom and give students confidence. My schedule was from 9.00 am to 2.10 pm everyday except on Friday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.
We had homework everyday. This helps you learn. We followed a textbook with articles very interesting. We had time to talk each morning about what we had done the afternoon before.
We also had the opportunity to socialize with different students outside of school. In my case, I went to a pub, then watched an outdoor movie and I went to a salsa dance party.
The only thing that I noticed negatively was the difference of level between the students. Some of them were in a lower level and I was surprised to have them in the same class as me. I guess their level were too high for the other classes.
Regarding my hosting, I was really lucky to meet Julie. Julie lives alone and we are around the same age, so our relationship was easy and friendly. She took good care of me. Over the week-ends, I went with her and another student kayaking in a lake.
I went to a BBQ one day to her friends house and another day to visit Niagara on Lake and Niagara Falls.
my english learning experience is really good, i really enjoyed learning to speak english at this school. they are super welcoming and very nice, the lessons are very easy to understand and, they use all means to make us understand the lessons and help us to talk. i am really happy to have attended this school really thank you.
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Thank you for your wonderful feedback about your experience at English Encounters! We're overjoyed to hear that you found our lessons easy to understand and our environment welcoming. It's heartening to know that our efforts to support and facilitate your English learning journey were successful.
Your happiness and satisfaction with our school mean the world to us. Remember, our doors are always open for any further learning needs you might have.
Best wishes for your future endeavors, and thank you again for choosing English Encounters.
Interactive classes and amazing teachers!!
Thanks Felix, Randy, Saba and Zoryana!
English encounters is a place for make friends! Everybody is friendly.
It's fantastic to hear that you had such a positive experience with our interactive classes and amazing teachers at English Encounters! A big thank you for acknowledging Felix, Randy, Saba, and Zoryana – they will be thrilled to hear your kind words.
We're especially glad to know that you found English Encounters to be a friendly place where you could make friends. Our community's warmth and welcoming spirit are something we're very proud of.
Thank you for choosing us for your English learning journey and for taking the time to share your experience. We hope the friendships and skills you've gained here will last a lifetime!
It was absolute amazing!!
- Perfect teachers. They were really kind and nice people.
- Classes were so organized, educatonal. I learned a lot of things there.
- Private classes were absolutely incredible, they taught me a lot of good things in the private lessons.
- The school is really clean and the environment is really peaceful.
I had a really great time there. I'm gonna come back to finish my final level of english.
Thus, it was perfect...
We are absolutely delighted to hear that you had an amazing experience at English Encounters! It's heartening to know that our teachers, with their kindness and expertise, made a significant impact on your learning journey. We're proud of our team for their dedication and it's wonderful to hear such positive feedback about them.
Your appreciation for the school and educational quality of our classes, as well as the personalized attention in the private lessons, is greatly valued. We strive to create a learning environment that is not only effective but also welcoming and comfortable for all our students.
It's fantastic to know that you found our school clean and peaceful, contributing to a great overall experience. We're thrilled that you're planning to return to complete your final level of English with us. Your progress and satisfaction are our top priorities, and we look forward to welcoming you back.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and for choosing English Encounters for your English language studies. See you soon!
My personal experience in Canada was amazing, the teachers are the best, they explain everything and they are friendly and well prepared, the location of the school is very nice because its in downtown so you can do a lot of things after the class, and the facilities are good they have a kitchen were you can do a coffee or tea.
The housing was very nice, i like my housefamily a lot, they are very friendly and funny, my housmother took me to several places to meet.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your wonderful experience at English Encounters in Canada. We're thrilled to hear that your time with us was amazing and that our teachers, with their friendly and well-prepared approach, greatly contributed to your learning.
It's also great to know that the location of our school in downtown added positively to your experience, allowing you to explore and enjoy the area after class. We believe that having a comfortable and convenient environment is key to a rewarding educational journey.
Hearing about your positive experience with your host family is particularly heartwarming. It sounds like they provided not only a welcoming home but also helped enrich your cultural experience in Canada. These interactions often form some of the most cherished memories of a student's time abroad.
We're glad that our facilities, including the kitchen area for coffee and tea, added to your comfort during your studies.
Thank you again for choosing English Encounters, and we're so happy that we could be a part of your memorable experience in Canada. We wish you all the
It helped to improve my English. The teacher is a very respectful person. The place is cozy and the location is not bad. However, I really think that the fees don't suit the hours of the course. I found it a little expensive.
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Thank you for sharing your feedback about your experience at English Encounters. We're pleased to hear that our program was effective in improving your English and that you found our teacher to be respectful and the location cozy and convenient.
Your thoughts regarding the course fees in relation to the hours provided are valuable to us. We strive to offer high-quality education and facilities, and we understand that the cost of education is an important consideration for our students. We regularly review our pricing to ensure that it reflects the value and quality of our education while remaining competitive.
We appreciate your honesty in this matter, and it's feedback like yours that helps us continually improve and assess our services. If you have any further suggestions or require assistance in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Thank you again for choosing English Encounters, and we wish you continued success in your English proficiency journey.
I enjoyed this training that allowed me to improve my English. I am very satisfied with the quality of the formation, and I may repeat this experience soon.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...Thank you for your kind words! We're delighted to hear that you enjoyed the training and are satisfied with the quality of our program at English Encounters. It's great to know that you're considering repeating this experience. We look forward to welcoming you back soon!
The location was perfect. It was a very good atmosphere, and the teachers were very good.
Felix's attention was excellent; I have no complaints at all.
Thank you for your positive feedback! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our location, atmosphere, and the quality of our staff at English Encounters. It's great to know that your experience with us was excellent. We appreciate your kind words and have no greater satisfaction than hearing of our students' happy experiences.
I enjoyed my stay in Burlington. I like English Encounters very much. The teachers were very cool and easy-going. If you had some questions, the teacher always helped you and explained everything. The sizes of the classes were very good I think (up to 8 people).
Burlington is a very nice city, where you can feel very safe. There are a lot of activities to do in your free time. You can visit the Niagara Falls, visit Toronto, the Hamilton Falls, a lot of Outlet Stores, or just stay in Burlington at the Lake Ontario and much more. I am very happy having been to English Encounters. I met a lot of great people from everywhere around the world, and I had the best teachers in my life.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful review of your experience at English Encounters and in Burlington! We're delighted to know that you found our teachers cool and helpful, and that the small class sizes enhanced your learning. It's also great to hear that you enjoyed the safe and vibrant environment of Burlington, along with its many attractions.
Meeting people from around the world and having memorable experiences with our teachers are exactly the kind of experiences we hope for our students. We're thrilled that you had the best time with us.
Thank you for choosing English Encounters, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
Everyone was really friendly and nice. I was happy and pleased when I was there.
I like the challenges of places. There was sociability, humor, and I also got some lovely friends. We also went on a trip and had a wonderful visit there. I also learned a lot of things.
Thank you for your kind words! We're so pleased to hear that you found everyone at English Encounters friendly and that you enjoyed the social and challenging aspects of our program. It's wonderful that you made lovely friends and had a great time on the trip. We're glad you learned a lot and had a happy experience with us.
My nemôžeme žiadať o víza v zastúpení študentov. Avšak škola vám môže dodať všetky podklady, ktoré potrebujete priložiť k vašej žiadosti o víza.
Váš list o prijatí vám bude bezplatne zaslaný na vašu domácu adresu obyčajnou poštou. Ak si želáte zaslať vaše dokumenty expresnou poštou, pri registrácii zaplatíte poplatok C$ 125.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Burlington based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Študujte v zahraničí bez starostí so zdravotným poistením a poistením osobného hnuteľného majetku od Language International. Keď si s nami rezervujete kurz, môžete si vybrať zakúpenie medzinárodného plánu poistenia, ktorý pokrýva nielen vaše výdavky na zdravotnú starostlivosť, ale tiež váš osobný majetok. Poistku si musíte zarezervovať dopredu pri registrácii.
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