Intensive Course + Private Lessons



Témy kurzov

Načúvanie, hovorenie, výslovnosť, čítanie, písanie, Slovník, gramatika a aktivity

Program vyučovania

Doba trvania kurzu
Dátumy začiatkov
Každý prvý pondelok mesiaca
Vyučovacích hodín do týždňa
15 lessons per week (každá hodina trvá 60 min)
Dni vyučovania
pondelok - piatok
Školské prázdniny
01 nov 2024, 01 dec 2024, 08 dec 2024, 23 dec 2024 - 31 dec 2024, 01 jan 2025, 18 apr 2025, 25 apr 2025, 01 máj 2025, 10 jún 2025, 13 jún 2025, 19 jún 2025, 22 dec 2025 - 31 dec 2025

Časy vyučovania

Dopoludňajšia blok
10:00 - 12:00
Dopoludňajšia blok
14:00 - 16:00
Ostatné zasadnutie
12:15 - 13:15

Plán kurzu sa môže zmeniť v závislosti od dostupnosti a sezóny.

Opis kurzu

Welcome to Iberlínguas! We are a specialized Portuguese language school in Lisbon, always welcoming new students and forging new friendships. Our young and dynamic team of teachers create a sociable, family environment in which you won't just learn a language, but live a language! When the time comes to say goodbye to our students, they leave us with "saudade" of their own.
Iberlínguas offers courses of all levels (A1-C2), with intensive, extensive and private options. Our teachers deliver engaging and dynamic lessons, using original material based on the key skills of writing, reading, speaking and listening. This wide range of materials, our modern facilities and the variety of learning methods used allow students to truly engage with the language and vastly improve their ability. Every lesson is unique - and never boring! Learning also goes beyond the classroom. Iberlínguas provides guided cultural visits as part of the curriculum, a great way to put your knowledge into practice and get to know this beautiful city.
The school is located in the heart of Lisbon, near Marquês de Pombal square. You can find us in a traditional Portuguese building with modern facilities and a vintage look. It is a fantastic area, just a 15m walk to Baixa- Chiado. Iberlínguas is extremely well connected by public transport, you can get to us easily from any point in the city, with several buses and the metro station (Marquês de Pombal) right on our doorstep.
The area is filled with cafés and restaurants, hotels and the world famous shops of the Av. da Liberdade. The school is just a stone's throw from Parque Eduardo VII, perfect for taking a stroll and admiring the great views of the city - and, of course, doing your homework. :D
Learning a language in its native country is the fastest and most efficient way of learning. As a complement to our theoretical-practical Portuguese lessons in Lisbon, there's nothing better then drinking a coffee in Rossio, taking a walk in the Parque das Nações, drinking a beer in Bairro Alto or eating those delicious custard tarts in Belém. Besides enjoying Portuguese daily life, with us you will begin to understand our fascinating culture, discovering museums and monuments. You will never feel alone!

Úroveň triedy

Všetky úrovne,od začiatočníkov po pokročilých
You will take a placement test before your arrival in Lisbon to determine your class level.

Veľkosť triedy

Priemer 5 študentov
Maximum 6 študentov

Vek študenta

Vekové rozmedzie 18 - 75 ročný
Priemer 32- roční
(30 v lete)


Certifikát o absolvovaní kurzu bude vydaný na konci kurzu.
Čítajte viac...


  • Aktivity poskytované v Iberlínguas 1/31
  • Aktivity poskytované v Iberlínguas 2/31
  • Chodba v Iberlínguas 3/31
  • Učebňa v Iberlínguas 4/31
  • Učebňa v Iberlínguas 5/31
  • Iberlínguas 6/31
  • Učebňa v Iberlínguas 7/31
  • Učebňa v Iberlínguas 8/31
  • Vstup do Iberlínguas 9/31
  • Vstup do Iberlínguas 10/31
  • Recepcia Iberlínguas 11/31
  • Recepcia Iberlínguas 12/31
  • Recepcia Iberlínguas 13/31
  • Učebňa v Iberlínguas 14/31
  • Aktivity poskytované v Iberlínguas 15/31
  • Aktivity poskytované v Iberlínguas 16/31
  • Classes at Iberlínguas 17/31
  • Aktivity poskytované v Iberlínguas 18/31
  • Classes at Iberlínguas 19/31
  • Classes at Iberlínguas 20/31
  • Classes at Iberlínguas 21/31
  • Classes at Iberlínguas 22/31
  • Classes at Iberlínguas 23/31
  • Classes at Iberlínguas 24/31
  • Študenti Iberlínguas 25/31
  • Študenti Iberlínguas 26/31
  • Študenti Iberlínguas 27/31
  • Classes at Iberlínguas 28/31
  • Študenti Iberlínguas 29/31
  • Študenti Iberlínguas 30/31
  • Študenti Iberlínguas 31/31


100% odporučte

podľa 5 posudkov
5 hviezdičiek
4 hviezdičky
3 hviezdičky
2 hviezdičky
1 hviezdička
Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy

"Sowohl hinsichtlich der Buchung als auch der Preisfindung unseres Familienkurses war die Betreuung durch die Berliner Agentin Andrea Hall von Language International / Sprachschule Iberlinguas in Lissabon sensationell entgegenkommend, persönlich, verläßlic"

Constanze Kleiner, študent z Nemecko

Die Lage der Schule war in der Lissaboner Innenstadt und die Betreuung durch Quenia Ribeiro sowie unsere Lehrerin Filipa war offen, freundlich und viel mehr als nur trockener "Stoff-Transfer". Wir haben auch zu jeder Frage nach Land und Leuten oder zur Geschichte, zum Fado etc. pp. interessante Antworten bekommen und auch der Unterricht selbst war straff, professionell und von hoher Stoffdichte.

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Dátum štúdia
29 Jul 2024 - 2 Aug 2024
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.

"Excellent course and very nice people."

Egberdina Gerards, študent z Portugalsko

The first week was bizar due to the chaotic traffic situation coused by the visit of the pope in Lisbon. The school reacted very understanding to it and gave some private lessons in return of the missed classes. The class was small and in perfect harmony. Unfortunately a follow-up is not not possible to combine with my work. But when I can the course will be continued.

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Trvanie štúdia
1 týždeň
Dátum štúdia
31 Jul 2023 - 11 Aug 2023
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.

"Professionalità e gentilezza"

Federica , študent z Taliansko

La scuola Iberlinguas è bene organizzata.
Al mio corso eravamo solo in 4 e questo è stato utile perchè così ciascun partecipante ha avuto più spazio per dialogare.
La scuola è facile da raggiungere, sia a piedi che con i mezzi pubblici. E' vicina alla fermata di metro Picoas.

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Dátum štúdia
8 May 2023 - 12 May 2023
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.

"Great Portuguese school"

David , študent z Francúzsko

I had 3 weeks of intensive Portuguese classes at the school Iberlinguas. I was lucky to have a small group (3 persons), which was ideal to learn Portuguese. Our teacher was great. Everyone at the school is very kind and efficient.

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Trvanie štúdia
2 týždne
Dátum štúdia
9 Jan 2023 - 27 Jan 2023
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.

"Though continually challenging, this course provided insights not only to the language, but to the life, culture and every aspect of life in Portugal."

John Fasola, študent z USA

The walk from my location to the school was relatively short, and the facility was fine. The rooms we used were comfortable and the teachers were excellent, being both patient, and at the same time providing prompting to keep trying. Outside of the class, since I was only there for one week, i didn't know of nor participate in any activities. I liked the comfort, and the support of the group in which I participated and the teacher's knowledge. At times I was frustrated by my inability to learn as quickly as I had hoped, but this proved a positive because it made me work harder.

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Dátum štúdia
25 Oct 2021 - 29 Oct 2021
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.

Pomoc pri vízach

My nemôžeme žiadať o víza v zastúpení študentov. Avšak škola vám môže dodať všetky podklady, ktoré potrebujete priložiť k vašej žiadosti o víza.

Váš list o prijatí vám bude bezplatne zaslaný na vašu domácu adresu obyčajnou poštou.

Lety a letisková doprava

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Lisbon based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Cestovné poistenie

Študujte v zahraničí bez starostí so zdravotným poistením a poistením osobného hnuteľného majetku od Language International. Keď si s nami rezervujete kurz, môžete si vybrať zakúpenie medzinárodného plánu poistenia, ktorý pokrýva nielen vaše výdavky na zdravotnú starostlivosť, ale tiež váš osobný majetok. Poistku si musíte zarezervovať dopredu pri registrácii.

Zistite viac o našom pláne poistenia »

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