Q Language
5 Wing Lok Street, 14th floor Wing On Cheong Building, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Q Language
Načúvanie, hovorenie, výslovnosť, čítanie, písanie, Slovník, gramatika a aktivity
You can choose from the following class times:
Plán kurzu sa môže zmeniť v závislosti od dostupnosti a sezóny.
With a strong focus on fluency, our Intensive 24 General English Course will improve your level and maximize your ability to use real English in real-life situations. Our friendly, native English teachers will help you improve your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by giving you a practical understanding of the English language and how best to use it. Your Intensive 24 General English Course can be tailored to include group classes and private 1:1 sessions to focus on your learning needs. These can include: IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, SAT, Cambridge exams, interview skills etc.
Maximum | 8 študentov |
Vekové rozmedzie | 16- roční a starší |
V spoločnosti Q Language sme hrdí na náš tím vysokokvalifikovaných jazykových odborníkov. Naši učitelia sú všetci učitelia hovoriaci rodeným jazykom s medzinárodne uznávanou akademickou kvalifikáciou a pracovnými skúsenosťami na celom svete. Zameriavajú sa na výučbu jazykových zručností, ktoré vás prevedú vašimi cieľmi v uvoľnenom učebnom prostredí.
Akonáhle začnete s kurzom, nebudete mať len veľký prospech z odborných znalostí učiteľského tímu, dostanete sa tiež k štúdiu v mnohonárodných triedach; naši študenti sa k nám skutočne pripojili z viac ako 30 rôznych krajín. To všetko v kombinácii vytvára veľmi zvláštne miesto pre výučbu jazyka. Naše skúsenosti nám pomohli poskytnúť jedinečné vzdelávacie prostredie v Hongkongu; Ázijské skutočné svetové mesto.
Naše moderné priestory sú rozmiestnené na 3 poschodiach špičkovej budovy, ktorá ponúka učebne s AV vybavením, bezplatnú knižnicu WIFI, DVD a študijné zdroje, počítačovú plochu pre študentov, nápoje, noviny a časopisy a priateľskú a živú atmosféru!
Mix národností a veku v !school je rôzny v rôznych časových obdobiach, kurzoch a úrovniach.
Q Language v centrálnej štvrti ostrova Hong Kong sa nachádza priamo vo finančnom a kultúrnom centre ostrova Hongkong, a preto sa nachádza v blízkosti všetkých hlavných miest, ako je módna oblasť Soho, obchod IFC, veľké parky a múzeá. Vynikajúca poloha školy znamená, že ste nikdy nie viac ako kúsok pešo od všetkých veľkých atrakcií v Hongkongu.
Nájdete nás hneď vedľa stanice metra MTR (najbližšia stanica MTR je SHEUNG WAN a exit E2) a pár minút chôdze od hlavného dopravného uzlu, ktorý vás spája s čámkoľvek v Hongkongu, Macau alebo Číne! Preto v okolí našej školskej oblasti nájdete reštaurácie, nákupné oblasti a zábavu, ktoré uspokoja všetky chute a rozpočty.
My expectation was that I would be in a class of students of a similar level for 4 weeks of classes. However when I got there I realised that Chinese New Year was going to affect this as the school would be closed for the 4th week. There was also no suitable class for me, so I had one-to-one tuition which worked out well in the end. This meant that we did a mixture of following the HSK book and more informal conversational learning. I therefore ended up with 3 weeks of 1.5 hour lessons each day which was probably enough and led to definite progress in my learning. Both my teachers were friendly and very competent. I was pleased they came from Mainland China and not from Hong Kong as Hong Kong people's Putonghua tends to be influenced by Cantonese.
I think I should have been made aware of the Chinese New Year timing when I booked the course.
Class was perfect, because I socialized a lot with my schoolmates and we going out together sometimes. Important to continue speaking after the lessons. Teachers were perfect for their roles.
I want to do other experience like that.
I was glad to have the opportunity of getting house which avoided some stress. It was super nice that I was able to make my stay longer quite spontaneously. The class I joined was not quite my level which was a bit unfortunate but the teachers and other students were very welcoming and friendly. Organising the schedule or anything always worked really fast and without problems. I was sad that I just missed a trip with the school.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...I really enjoyed the day trip to Shenzhen and it was definitely the best part of my trip. Teachers where all great!!!
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...I really liked the teachers I had, they explained very well and explained things very clearly. The activities they made me do to start the HSK3 were grammar exercises and trying to express myself with grammatical rules that I had never seen before.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...I enjoyed the lesson on buying water at a convenience store.
I had the pronunciation of L and R carefully corrected.
I am an experienced language student who has been studying Spanish in Spain for over 15 years.
Ienrolled on Mandarin group lessons with Q Language but were rescheduled to 1:1 lessons at appropriate higher level after a video assessment prior to my departure to HK.
There was an issue with accommodation on my arrival but was swiftly rectified personally by Stuart, the Director of the school who found a studio which satisfied all my requirements for the purpose of my stay. I enjoyed my lessons with Sunny, my teacher and apart from improving on my Mandarin, I received lots of useful tips on getting around in HK.
Overall, I had an amazing 4 weeks with Q Language and am grateful for their students services provided to me which incidentally including scheduling lessons times to best suit my needs. They had an amazing and elaborate Chinese Christmas lunch organised by the school which unfortunately I couldn’t attend. For personal reasons and because I was not in group lessons, I had little contact with other students and to join their activities this time round but I would certainly like to be more involved next time when I return.
As I write, I have already booked and paid for another 4 weeks’ course to be taken in Nov 2024 or earlier to ensure I would secure not just the course but also the same studio accommodation on my return.
Q language is very wonderful language school in Hong Kong. Teachers and staffs were very kind and professional. I could take meaningful lessons in there. I’m appreciate them bottom of my heart. Hope I can come back to Hong Kong and take their lessons again in near future.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...Carrie was a great teacher. Helpful, patient and cheery. I enjoyed my lessons with her
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...Only 1 week study, but I had met good teacher and good class mates. I will try again soon next summer holidays to learn more.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...In first it was difficult to find my level, I started with beginner to become more confident with my speaking then, after some private lesson I could change the level and it was really better and more interesting for me.
The students is very nice and the classes is okay.
Most of the teachers is very good because they are dynamic, fun and their lessons are varied. But some could be more active and make the student work and less dwell on the inutil discussions because we pay a certain price to improve our English and not just listen to someone talk.
Maybe the welcome for the new student could be a little more reassuring because the receptionist and the first teachers I saw spoke really too fast and didn't necessarily take the time to explain quietly, it was pretty scary.
But after this remarks it's a really good experience I could improve my English and I'm happy
The school is good and has a good location. The teachers are knowledgeable and the class size is small.
Unfortunately, the class I was placed in did not match my level (I ended up in the beginners class with no/very low benefits for me despite having over one year of Mandarin classes). The administration was accommodating and I switched to private lessons instead.
A suggestion is to make the "placement" test written and spoken instead of spoken only to more accurately place students in classes.
Thank you for your review.
As your enrollment was very last minute, we were not able to offer a pre-arrival assessment option. However, we will try to add a weekend testing option to avoid the schedule changes for the following Monday arrivals.
Hoep to see you at Q Language again soon!
Overall, the experience was really nice. I have liked some classes and some teachers more than others, but it was good trying to push myself and it helped me a lot with my speaking.
I have nothing to say about the location and school facilities, I think they were average.
I liked so much my teachers Sunny and Kelly are very good teachers and make me learn a lot of chinese and are all very kind with me. I like so much how is the program structured and i will suggest everyone to do it in your school if have c
The chance. The only negative thing is that is too expensive for a person who is not living in HK to afford your curses.
Lorenzo Dori
Good teachers in a nice location. Sometimes was it a little bit hard to follow the teachers and I felt a little bit lost , but all in all was it a nice time and I would always do Q Language again. The location was small but okay.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...People were nice but a little disorganized. Was told I could start at beginners level but the classes had already started so I had to do private lessons to catch up. After catching up and joining the group class, I found that the learning speed and level of everyone was different, causing the entire class to go a the pace of the slowest learners. Overall level of communication wasn't great.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...The teachers were very kind and the class was very advanced and well prepared. The housing, where i had stayed this year and last year, was very enjoyable to stay in.
Me and the family living in the house have become very good friends. In total both the housing and classes were magnificent.
Two rather negative points was the long way from the housing to the language school and the high costs of the class. But despite all of that, I had a beautiful time and I would strongly recommend the language school to anyone.
Did not get the classes requested - private lessons (ratio 1/3) instead of group lessons - hardly any socializing possible.
other from that did my first teacher speak mandarin only and had a very odd approach of teaching an absolute beginner. I had no choice but demanding an other teacher, otherwise I would not have profited a bit.
the teachers and the classes were excellent and I liked everything
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...I had a good time and teachers were very nice. Location was perfect. Teachers were all native speakers. Student can share opinions in the class.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...It was very nice to have few number of students in the class.
Teachers: very nice and competent but too much daily discussion in class which could be done outside the class
Facilities: very good
Activities: good and not boring
Housing: less than 30 minutes via MTR, would have been better but my family was really nice!
The teachers were very nice. I had a very good time.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...Location was perfect, classes were really comfortable and the teachers were all native speakers.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...I liked the classrooms and the fact that there were only 5-6 students plus the teacher in each class was perfect because I think that helps since you have more opportunity to speak and listen. I would like to thank Q Language because I realized that the school wasn't just a place to learn English but also a place where you could create amazing friendships and just be around English native speakers as well as a place where you have to speak in English in order to meet new people. The lessons were amazing, the feeling that I had being in my classes was the best, I really felt part of them and the teachers were the best I've ever had. Not just as how they taught me, but also their personality, their ability to make you feel at ease and always supporting you. Everyone at Q Language was really reliable and kind: from my first step in Q Language to my last one, everyone was happy to talk with, even just in the elevator. I can't thank Q Language enough for everything I've received: new friends, amazing teachers, new English skills, the opportunity of talking in English as much as I can and also Elizabeth Stuart, and all the people that are working in Q Language HK because they gave me some amazing memories.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...The school isn't bad on a general view. Some of the teacher were very good but some aren't, however most of them are native speakers. So it is strongly dependent on the teacher you will have in fact. I booked a business course 24 hours per week on the upper intermediate/advanced level but in fact I had four different teachers every week. All of them gave me different homework so I really had to coordinate which homework was given from which teacher and when it had to be accomplished. The only real business subjects I had with my private teacher who was kindly given to me for 4.5 hours per week.
The school facilities were okay, typical for Hong Kong with only little free space for self-study. Activities were not available during my four weeks time. What I missed was a general meeting point outside school like a cafe or bar or similar.
Housing: my first apartment was so terrible with small animals inside, nearly no sunlight and net space of only few square-meters that I left after one night and stayed in a hotel until the issue was resolved. The second apartment was quite nice but I had to pay an extra of HKD 5000 per 3 weeks it was "not bad" but it was worth it. All of that took me four days while that I was staying in the hotel- and my money is gone. My recommendation: go for the luxury apartments despite the price (it is worth it) and ask to have a look in advance.
To conclude the reason that I chose QLanguage resp. Language International was the additional housing service and that I wasn't satisfied at all. There are other English schools of good quality without housing available.
I would like to thank Raymond for studying with us and submitting a candid review. There are some points that I need to address.
ALL teachers at Q Language are native-speaker professionals. However, as we teach International English, you will find British, American, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand teachers here so there are a variety of accents. This may be harder for some students used to teachers from one country only
School Facilities
As a School in Central, Hong Kong, space is an issue. We are in one of the most densely-populated cities in the world so we cannot always offer free space. However, students are welcome to use any of the classroom if there are no lessons being held. To be honest, most students are in class all day Mon - Fri so do not often want to then self-study in the school premises. Often students will group up with others and enjoy their free time in HK
We do have activities each month and there were 2 hiking trips arranged during this period. I'm sorry that Raymond may not have received notice of these so we will ensure all students are aware of upcoming events.
We have dozens of cafes and restaurants within 5 meters of the School. However, students often form their own groups and decide which place to frequent.
We offer a free service to arrange accommodation to cater for all budgets. On this occasion, the initial studio provided for Raymond did not match his expectations so alternatives were offered. He only chose the more expensive place as he required more space. After further investigation, we did find that the initial place fell short of our standard criteria due to some general cleanliness issues. This property has now been removed from our housing list.
Most accommodation offered is under licence to Q Language so we can handle contracts etc which makes life much easier for new arrivals. Many owners here do not want short-stay tenants so we help this by holding the contracts and offering students flexibility. It allows some students to book a short term stay in our studios and then have the option of finding there own place while here, if desired. Of course, our housing is an option and we do provide at cost price to make the move to HK easier for visitors
Again, we thank Raymond for studying with us and I know from his teachers that he was an active and happy participant in the classes. The matters highlighted are noted and we will strive for improvements, where needed
I booked 24 hours of group classes per week and it was definitely too much for me. I was attached to different classes with 5 teachers. It was very interesting to see the variety of teaching. After a few weeks, I found there was too much vocabulary input and too little of speaking, so I changed to private lessons and to fewer group classes. I think this was a better way to also improve my quality of speaking.
The location was perfect and the facilities were enough.
I liked the teachers because they were funny and very patient.
We spoke about daily news and interesting questions such as topics on the Internet, movies and festival music.
Classroom: Very tight, very small
Teacher: Good
Location: Good
Facilities: Bad
Activities: Bad
Infrastructure: Too bad, many times without toilet paper, only one bathroom per floor, sometimes the building was without water, the water for drinking was bad.
It was also too expensive.
Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, our school building was undergoing renovation to the water system during your study period. This left us with limited resources and did affect the quality of life for us at Q Language
However, all repairs have now been made and we have returned to full access of all washrooms in each of our 3 floors. As for the drinking water, this may be personal taste. We provide distilled water delivered and managed by Bonaqua Water in Hong Kong (the largest distributor in Hong Kong). This is the first time we have had negative comments on water quality but are monitoring the situation to see if any other feedback is received
As for activities, these are subject to weather conditions and student demand so we are sorry if you missed out of these during your short stay with us
Again, thank you for your review and we take all comments seriously to allow us to improve, where necessary
At my first day at the language school I had that "level test", or how I should call it, and I was really surprised with all that questions, but the teachers helped me and I felt grateful. My first week wasn't really nice because we were ten in class so I didn't learn as much as I want. The other two weeks were full of experiences, great and not as great experiences. Tom was a really good city guide. He showed us the maritime museum and some other nice things, where you can improve your English a lot while reading interesting information about Hong Kong and talking to your classmates. The second and third week where really great. We were three in class so we learned a lot.
The location of the school is wonderful. In the district you have all you want. You can buy some souvenirs, if you want. Than you can choose between, I think 50 or 60 restaurants. They are all special in their own way.
Domáce ubytovanie je starostlivo vyberané a poskytuje študentom možnosť naučiť sa viac o miestnej kultúre v príjemnom prostredí, kým študujú Angličtina !in Hongkong. Tieto domy sú často do vzdialenosti 5 - 30 minút od školy verejnou dopravou. Rodiny obyčajne poskytujú cenovo prístupný plán stravovania, ktorý vám umožní vyskúšať miestnu kuchyňu. Ak máte špeciálne požiadavky, alebo obmedzenia týkajúce sa stravy (z náboženských alebo zdravotných dôvodov), dajte nám vedieť dopredu. Vaše ubytovanie začína v nedeľu pred prvým dňom kurzu a končí v sobotu po poslednom dni kurzu, ak nie je uvedené inak. Zistite viac o domácom ubytovaní
Je možné bývať v prenajatom byte počas vášho štúdia v Hongkongu, ale väčšinou je to drahšie. Q Language poskytuje nejakú pomoc pri hľadaní podnájmu alebo si môžete prenajať byt sami.Zistite viac o ubytovaní v bytoch
Serviced Studios -Single-person
Double Serviced Studio for Couple
Shared Housing
Basic Studio Single Person
Luxury Serviced Studio Room - Private apartment - Single-person room - No meals
My nemôžeme žiadať o víza v zastúpení študentov. Avšak škola vám môže dodať všetky podklady, ktoré potrebujete priložiť k vašej žiadosti o víza.
Váš list o prijatí vám bude bezplatne zaslaný na vašu domácu adresu obyčajnou poštou. Ak si želáte zaslať vaše dokumenty expresnou poštou, pri registrácii zaplatíte poplatok H$ 210.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Hongkong based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Študujte v zahraničí bez starostí so zdravotným poistením a poistením osobného hnuteľného majetku od Language International. Keď si s nami rezervujete kurz, môžete si vybrať zakúpenie medzinárodného plánu poistenia, ktorý pokrýva nielen vaše výdavky na zdravotnú starostlivosť, ale tiež váš osobný majetok. Poistku si musíte zarezervovať dopredu pri registrácii.
Máte otázky? Získajte odpovede od personálu a predchádzajúcich študentov zariadenia Q Language.
Spýtať sa otázkuFor business level, she would have to be at approx. IELTS level 6. We would assess on arrivals too.
If the student registered for Intensive 24 for Business English. We
will suggest him to take 5 days of group class and 3 hours of private
lesson per week. As Business English is quite board and each student
require different business aspect. It is better if he can do some private
lessons. If the student is only studying for 2 weeks, we do not include the
material. The teacher will photocopy the material for him.
Business English is only available in our upper-intermediate/advance
class. If his English is not those levels, they are only doing
General English. As suggested, he can attend some private lesson and
some group class. If he wants to do Business English, it is recommended
to be in private lesson.
Q Language