Conversa Language Center
817 Main St., 6th Floor, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, USA
Conversa Language Center
Načúvanie, hovorenie, výslovnosť, čítanie, písanie, Slovník, gramatika a aktivity
Plán kurzu sa môže zmeniť v závislosti od dostupnosti a sezóny.
Semi-Intensive English Program
The program consists of 20 hours per week of instruction and is comprised of the core Integrated ESL Skills class and the Reading & Writing class. Open to all visa holders.
Integrated English Skills: Improve your English proficiency in everyday communication in American English. Each unit revolves around one theme and combines grammar, listening, reading, writing, pronunciation and conversation. Vocabulary is reinforced throughout the lessons. (14 hours/week)
Standardized Test Preparation: Get ready for the TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC and more. Take practice tests, learn test taking strategies, increase your vocabulary, and improve your Listening, Speaking, Writing & Reading skills. (14 hours/week)
Reading & Writing: A reading and writing skills class, which builds academic skills necessary to communicate written English within the context of everyday American society. Build skills necessary to succeed in a university and/or your profession or business. (6 hours/week)
Priemer | 5 študentov |
Maximum | 10 študentov |
Vekové rozmedzie | 14- roční a starší |
Priemer | 24- roční (23 v lete) |
Naše poslanie: Pomáhať študentom angličtiny ako druhého jazyka rozvíjať svoju znalosť angličtiny v malom, priateľskom učebnom prostredí.
Jazykové centrum Conversa, ktoré sa nachádza v centre Cincinnati od roku 1989, ponúka intenzívne hodiny anglického jazyka pre anglicky hovoriacich anglicky, ktorí nie sú rodnými jazykmi. Naše malé triedy a priateľskí učitelia robia z programu Conversa ideálne riešenie pre našich študentov, aby si rýchlo zlepšili svoje znalosti anglického jazyka. Naše triedy sú malé, v priemere 5 študentov, takže každý študent dostane od našich učiteľov osobnú pozornosť.
Jazykové centrum Conversa sa nachádza v centre mesta Cincinnati, mesta s 2 miliónmi obyvateľov. V pešej vzdialenosti od hotela Conversa nájdete reštaurácie, autobusy, divadlá, obchody a ešte oveľa viac.
Jazykové centrum Conversa je tiež skvelým miestom na zlepšenie vašej angličtiny pred zápisom na univerzitu v USA.
Vďaka našim nízkym cenám a malej veľkosti triedy získate veľkú hodnotu za svoje peniaze.
has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in USA. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Mix národností a veku v !school je rôzny v rôznych časových obdobiach, kurzoch a úrovniach. Počas roka je priemerný vek 24. V lete je priemerný vek 23.
má študentov z celého sveta, vrátane:
V sa nevyučuje počas sviatkov v nižšie uvedených dátumoch. Škola nenahrádza vyučovanie, ktoré pripadne na tieto sviatky, tak sa uistite, že ste to zohľadnili pri výbere termínu vášho začiatku.
Conversa sa nachádza uprostred obchodného, nákupného a zábavného centra mesta. Sme 100-200 metrov od všetkých autobusových zastávok. Conversa má veľa zábavných vecí: nakupovať, vidieť hudbu, múzeá, jesť vo skvelých reštauráciách. Cez víkend sa konajú zábavné festivaly, kde sa dá jesť jedlo, počúvať rockovú a jazzovú hudbu a oveľa viac.
I was there for three months, the teachers were great and very friendly. But if you think that's going to be easy because of that, you are wrong, they take their jobs very seriously and that's why it is a good school. If you want help just asks anyone, even though you can asks for help from any students and they will help you as well. I hated and loved the essays because you need to write and as result of that I learned more than I thought. For me they need more recreational activities. The thing that I liked more was the lunch time for three reasons:
1) It was like another informal class with food.
2) You learn about other cultures.
3) You get to practice your English with other students that are not in your classes.
I would come back and drink legally with Jim Karwish (lava autos).
Thank you so much for your review, Adolfo. We miss you! We are glad to hear that you had a good experience. We do challenge our students because we want them to accomplish their goals while they are with us!
You will be happy to know that we have created more social activities in recent months. We have added an afternoon movie and an afternoon board game challenge on Fridays! This is addition to our field trips, monthly birthday celebrations, and a monthly graduation ceremony which you experienced while you were with us. Our classes had a field trip just this week! You can find photos on our Facebook page:
Please let me know what activities you would suggest for our students at We are always seeking new ideas!
In a nutshell, the best part of my experience with this school are the teachers. They are very friendly and helpful. They are with you whenever you need them.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...We are so glad that you had a great experience at Conversa! We pride ourselves on our teachers. Part of our mission is to provide a small, friendly learning environment. We are happy that we are meeting our mission.
I’m happy to be here learning English at Conversa ESL. I’m from Colombia and my family owns a construction company. I’m working hard to improve my English skills to help me in my family's business.
Conversa gives you the chance to be a full-time student or a part-time student. As a result, you can arrange your schedule according to your needs.
Every class has students from different countries and different languages. For that reason, another important advantage of the Conversa program is that you are forced to speak English.
We are so glad that you are having a great experience at Conversa! We are very proud of our student diversity. We find that students here not only learn about American culture, but also cultures around the world. We have students from Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Central and Southern America, and Africa.
I have liked the classes. The teachers have been very cordial; I'm glad I have had Dana as a teacher. The location of the school has been fantastic for me. I have improved my English, but could have used a conversational part. This has been crucial.
Thanks for everything.
We are so glad that you had a great experience at Conversa! We pride ourselves on our teachers. As you know, we are located very close to the bus line. In addition, Cincinnati has a new streetcar system which has a boarding stop at our front door!
We find that our students really enjoy our small classes because they have a lot of opportunity to converse, especially in our dedicated Conversation and Pronunciation class.
I improved my speaking a lot in this school. The teachers are great, and they are very good at showing their opinions.
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Thank you for your review!
We are so glad that you had a great experience at Conversa! Our teachers are not only well-educated but also very friendly and accessible, which makes Conversa a great place to learn English. Our small classes allow plenty of time for students to practice speaking.
Classes were very good; in my opinion, they are of short duration. It would be better to have more daily hours of classes.
The people at Conversa (the whole team) are good people and professional people. They have a good leader.
Conversa Language Center is located in a beautiful city, and the building on a beautiful street, the down town is a peaceful place, where everything is close. Cincinnati is a quiet town.
Was a nice experience; everything that we did about baseball - the play, the court, the game in the park with teachers and friends, etc.
The accommodation was good, and allowed me to share with people from different countries.
Everything was a good experience in Cincinnati.
Thank you so much for your review! We love to hear from former students.
We agree--longer classes would be better! Since you wrote your review we have increased our class hours, especially in reading and writing since you were enrolled. Many of our students have told us how much they like the new schedule with more time to write in class.
We love Cincinnati, too! Please come back and visit!
They have the best teachers - Dana and Jeff. The location is not bad. The problem is in the housing; it's uncomfortable and some people were complaining about it.
Also the rules at Conversa are too tough, too much.
It made us think a lot about finding another school.
Thank you for your review! We are always seeking feedback to make Conversa better.
We love our teachers, too. They create a warm, friendly environment which is conducive to learning.
The mattresses in the Student Manor and Student House have been replaced and students should find sleeping more comfortable now. We take student comments seriously and are always working to improve student satisfaction.
Conversa follows rules required by the government in regard to attendance and progress in classes. These rules are the same at every ESL school in the U.S. By attending regularly students are best able to quickly improve their English and feel like a part of a school community.
I didn't like lots of homework. I just need to improve in speaking English. I don't need homework. Teachers are nice and help us but when we ask some questions, some teacher can't explain the answer so I was disappointed. In my case, the location is not good because I live far away. Sometimes it's too much traffic or car accident or rain so I couldn't reach the conversa at regular time. It starts the class early. It starts at 10.
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Thank you for your review! We value your feedback.
We are glad that you found our teachers nice and helpful. We encourage students to let us know when teachers are not meeting expectations so that we can improve. We now do monthly student satisfaction survey. Any concerns mentioned in the surveys are discussed with individual teachers and in staff meetings to arrive at a solution. Plus we are always available in the office to discuss any concerns in person.
Most students find Conversa to be conveniently located because there is a bus line that stops across the street and we are in the center of the city. We offer student housing just a few minutes away by bus to improve convenience for those who are interested.
Classes do begin early (now at 9:00 a.m.) so that we can pack in as much English as possible each day! We find that the more a student is immersed in English, the quicker they learn.
The classes were helpful to me and the teachers taught a lot of things. I liked the place because it's in Downtown where I could have a good time in break times.
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Thank you for your review! We are glad you had a very good experience.
You are right about our location! Conversa is located in an area that offers many dining options--from Mexican, to Cuban, to Vietnamese, to Brazilian, to pizza and other foods from the US.
We are also a block from the public library and near galleries and other arts. We often take field trips to nearby events. A short bus ride away is a great zoo, an aquarium, and several museums.
We are so glad you enjoyed Cincinnati.
All the teachers were very good and taught english well but I didn't like Dana as much. Another thing I liked was that since it was a small group there were a lot of opportunities to talk to teachers if I needed something and if you made friends you could practice english a lot. Something I didn't like is that there was too much homework. I wish the teacher made us do homework that was necessary because I thought much of the homework wasn't necessary.
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Thank you for your review! We always appreciate student input.
We are glad that you enjoyed your experience with our teachers and our small class size. Our students are encouraged to talk to us whenever they have any concerns about teachers.
We have found that most of our students appreciate our homework assignments because they increase vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing skills through practice.
In general I liked everything. It was my first time in US. I stayed just one week in Cincinnati. Certainly I would recommend Language International.
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Thank you for your review. We are so glad that you enjoyed Conversa and Cincinnati.
We are grateful to Language International, too, because they bring us such great students and are a joy to work with!
My nemôžeme žiadať o víza v zastúpení študentov. Avšak škola vám môže dodať všetky podklady, ktoré potrebujete priložiť k vašej žiadosti o víza.
Ak študujete na plný úväzok v USA viac ako 18 hodín do týždňa, dostanete formulár I-20, ktorý treba odovzdať veľvyslanectvu USA spolu s vašou žiadosťou o F-1 študentské víza. I-20 má na sebe SEVIS sledovacie číslo. Študenti, ktorý chcú požiadadť o študentské vízum, musia predtým ako pôjdu kvôli vízovému pohovoru na veľvyslanectvo alebo konzulát USA zaplatiť SEVIS poplatok online.
Váš I-20 vám bude zaslaný bezplatne obyčajnou poštou na vašu domácu adresu. Ak si želáte zaslať vaše dokumenty expresnou poštou, pri registrácii zaplatíte poplatok $75.
Prosím, všimnite si, že zákon Spojených štátov nariaďuje, že I-20 môže byť vydaný iba študentom, ktorí zamýšľajú pokračovať v štúdiách anglického jazyka na plný úväzok. Zákon Spojených štátov nedovoľuje študentom študovať na čiastočný úväzok s F-1 študentskými vízami. Ak študujete menej ako 18 hodín do týždňa musíte vy sami požiadať o návštevnícke víza Visitor Visa (B1/B2).
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Cincinnati based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Študujte v zahraničí bez starostí so zdravotným poistením a poistením osobného hnuteľného majetku od Language International. Keď si s nami rezervujete kurz, môžete si vybrať zakúpenie medzinárodného plánu poistenia, ktorý pokrýva nielen vaše výdavky na zdravotnú starostlivosť, ale tiež váš osobný majetok. Poistku si musíte zarezervovať dopredu pri registrácii.
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Spýtať sa otázkuConversa Language Center