V LSF sa nevyučuje počas sviatkov v dátumoch uvedených hore. Škola nenahrádza vyučovanie, ktoré pripadne na tieto sviatky, tak sa uistite, že ste to zohľadnili pri výbere termínu vášho začiatku.
You can choose from the following class times:
Plán kurzu sa môže zmeniť v závislosti od dostupnosti a sezóny.
The objective of our standard French courses in France is to provide you with the essential lexical and grammatical tools to communicate in French by working on the five skills necessary to acquire a language:
Listening comprehension
Oral production
Oral interaction
Reading comprehension
Written production
Our teachers give you the tools you need to be able to interact in your personal, student or professional life. Our standard courses also allow you to discover the cultural and social specificities of French and French-speaking countries and, for example, to debate on major current issues.
Each week, you take a test which allows you to assess yourself, measure your progress and memorise the essential points of the week.
Course objectives:
Develop all your French skills.
Talk about yourself and the world that surrounds you.
Enrich your vocabulary.
Improve your pronunciation.
Discover French and Francophone culture
Key points:
Written and oral test
From level A1 to level C2
Maximum 14 students per class
Level certificate
The courses take place either in the morning or in the afternoon depending on the level and the timetable.
Your timetable will be communicated to you before the start of your course and may be modified on the day of your arrival.
Priemer | 9 študentov |
Maximum | 14 študentov |
Vekové rozmedzie | 16- roční a starší |
Priemer | 27- roční (23 v lete) |
LSF Montpellier je popredná francúzska jazyková škola na juhu Francúzska s dlhoročnými skúsenosťami s výučbou francúzštiny. Celoročne ponúkame kvalitné kurzy francúzštiny pre dospelých, profesionálov z podnikania, študentov vysokých škôl a juniorov. LSF má v škole veľmi priateľskú a uvoľnenú atmosféru, čo z neho robí ideálne prostredie na učenie sa francúzštiny a rýchly pokrok jazykom!
Vo všetkých našich kurzoch je priateľská, uvoľnená a pútavá atmosféra triedy, ktorá zaisťuje najlepší možný zážitok zo štúdia.
V našej škole máme:
- Malé triedy - v priemere 8 študentov. Maximálne 10.
- Nadšení a priateľskí učitelia - všetci skúsení rodení hovoriaci francúzskym jazykom s univerzitným titulom a kvalifikáciou FLE (francúzština ako cudzí jazyk).
- 20 plne vybavených, priestranných a ľahkých tried, ktoré vám pomôžu učiť sa po francúzsky v tých najlepších podmienkach.
- LSF na špičke informačných a technologických technológií (IKT) pre vzdelávanie! Študenti jednomyseľne súhlasia s tým, že interaktívne ploché panely jednoznačne poskytujú pridanú hodnotu z hľadiska interakcie a dynamiky a dávajú rozmanitosť médiám používaným v triede. Platforma LSF ponúka študentom ďalšie online kurzy a korekčné cvičenia počas ich pobytu v LSF a dokonca aj po návrate domov!
- LSF bol ohodnotený maximálnym počtom akreditačných bodov FLE na kvalifikáciu FLE po audite francúzskej vlády. V júli 2016 sa LSF stala jedinou školou v Montpellieri, ktorá získala maximálne skóre (15/15 *) vo všetkých kritériách: školné, učitelia, uvítanie a starostlivosť o študentov, priestory a zariadenia, správa. LSF má hodnotenie 4,9 / 5 na Google+ a 4,9 / 5 na Facebooku!
- Veľká súkromná záhrada a strešná terasa, na ktorej si môžu študenti vychutnať slnečné žiarenie v južnom Francúzsku
- Spoločenská miestnosť s kávovarom, automatom na občerstvenie, časopismi, novinami, turistickými knihami, kultúrnymi informáciami atď.
- K dispozícii sú počítače s bezplatným vysokorýchlostným internetom a bezdrôtovým internetom
- Klimatizácia v celej škole
- Centrum zdrojov
- Široká škála spoločenských a kultúrnych aktivít
- Mnoho rôznych výletov do okolitých oblastí a miest
Mix národností a veku v !school je rôzny v rôznych časových obdobiach, kurzoch a úrovniach. Počas roka je priemerný vek 27. V lete je priemerný vek 23.
LSF má študentov z celého sveta, vrátane:
V LSF sa nevyučuje počas sviatkov v nižšie uvedených dátumoch. Škola nenahrádza vyučovanie, ktoré pripadne na tieto sviatky, tak sa uistite, že ste to zohľadnili pri výbere termínu vášho začiatku.
LSF má 3 budovy, celkom 20 tried, všetky plne klimatizované, do 5 minút chôdze od seba a od Place de la Comédie.
Hlavná škola pre dospelých v LSF Foch má 7 tried a nachádza sa v budove plnej charakteru so záhradou oproti zákonným súdom, vedľa Arc de Triomphe, s recepciou, multimediálnou miestnosťou, miestnosťou pre hostí, miestnymi informáciami. centrum s nápojovým automatom, bezplatným pripojením na internet a WIFI a záhradou a terasou.
LSF Préfecture má 7 svetlých a priestranných tried s nápojovým automatom, bezplatným internetom a WIFI prístupom.
LSF Barnabé sa nachádza v prvom poschodí mestského domu zo 17. storočia a obsahuje 6 tried, recepciu, miestne informačné centrum s nápojovým automatom, internet zdarma a prístup WIFI a strešnú terasu.
LSF naďalej prevádzkuje samostatný letný juniorský tábor v miestnej francúzskej škole.
I had an excellent experience at LSF Montpellier. The teachers, location, and staff were outstanding, and everyone was very helpful. The support from the teachers allowed me to improve my French skills extraordinarily quickly..
The activities after lessons were fenomenal. They gave me a fantastic opportunity to learn all about French culture and were bery enjoyable, making the overall experience far better.
Overall, I would rate my experience a 10 out of 10 and highly recommend!
I had a good teacher who explained the problems really well to the class. She was kind, relaxed and had a good talking speed. I could follow her mostly without big problems. The locations are also really good. You could easily get there with bus or tram and walk for a few minutes to the buildings. It’s almost in the City Center of Montpellier, near the arc de Triumph et parc peyrou, not to far from the place de la comedie and also near from many restaurants, little shops and supermarkets.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...We did not prepare for the language test and we were integrated in level A1+, a little too deep ... but it didn't make sense to change within a week.
We appreciated our teachers BUT they did a lot of English explanations ... we think that they should have explained in simple french or "hands and feed".
The class had a good mixture with a majority of non swiss and/or german speaking students. The teachers evaluated the students day by day and proposed/allowed a change in class if appropriate. The facilities were fine and in close walking range.
Since I did not use the activities and housing, I cannot really judge this.
Thank you !
Looking foward to seeing you again in Montpellier :)
I found the classes very fun, educating and interesting. I found the teachers excited and enthusiastic. The location was fairly central so it allowed us to walk around in the city. The facilities were good. The activities were interesting and fun. The housing was fun. My host family was very nice and I enjoyed my time with them.
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Glad to hear that you enjoyed your time in Montpellier.
By the way, we now offer online and hybrid courses on top of the immersion ones :)
really hope to see you again !
I liked most of it. I think if there was something to change I would say the food wasn’t very good and when we went bowling it wasn’t very organised and you just had to be there waiting for hours. I liked when we got free time to walk around in Montpellier. I learned french during the free time as well since you had to talk it if you wanted to order something on a cafe for example
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...I hope you're still in touch with your friends and you're still practicing your French :)
I really liked the friendliness of everyone within the school. Everyone was very helpful and kind to me and I generally enjoyed being in school due to that and the school being warm, cozy and it generally having a good energy. In terms of learning French, my French has gotten quite a bit better, and I’m really tempted to go to Montpellier to learn French at LSF after I’m done with school... for a longer amount of time so that I can permanently improve my French. All in all I loved all the people, the vibe in general and the whole experience of my housing and my general stay in Montpellier was fantastic and a life changing experience. Thank you so much!
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...Thank you so much for your kind words. It's always good for all our team to have such feedbacks !
I liked the atmosphere in the class, especially the friendship between the comrades and the teacher. They were very nice and energetic. The teacher has adjusted the way of teaching for students. I really learned a lot, no matter grammar or listening / speaking.
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Our teachers are still (and always) nice and dynamic :)
Very pleased to hear that you've learned a lot with us !
I had dedicated teachers during the two weeks I spent at LSF in Montpellier.
Classes had interesting topics and the teaching of grammar in the classes I attended were well-organised. I would have preferred more practice of grammatical constructions in the way of a pattern drill - grammar without too much explanation but repetition.
The location was close to the Arc de Triomphe, which was very good and pretty close to the historic center of town.
There should have been access to Internet in the building, but this did not work. I tried it numerous times. This made lessons less effective.
I did not attend any of the activities.
With regard to the rating below, I think there should be something in between average and very good. There seems to be a gap of sorts in between.
Dear Wolfgang,
Nice to hear from you ! Thanks a lot for this review.
All of the classrooms have cable internet access and possibly during your stay there were problems with the Wifi connection ; this would just have been a temporary problem, as it is our priority here at LSF that students can have an internet connection throughout the school.
Hope you see you back in Montpellier !
LSF team
I thought the standard classes were very good, but sometimes the extra classes in the afternoons were not so good.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...
Dear Megan
Thanks a lot for this review.
Intensives classes during afternoons have been modified to take account of students comments and I hope that if you come back to LSF you will enjoy them as you enjoyed our morning lessons.
Hope you see you back in Montpellier !
LSF team
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Dear Alexandros,
Nice to hear from you ! Thanks a lot for this review.
We love to hear that you spent a greta time at LSF and that you learnt a lot of French.
Hope you see you back in Montpellier !
LSF team
The classes were interactive and diverse. The teachers were extremely dedicated. The location was perfect because it was right in de center of Montpellier. The housing was fine, it could have been a little bit more cozy but all the necessities were available.
Ukázať podrobnosti » Čítajte viac...
Dear Joanne
Nice to hear from you ! Thanks a lot for this review.
We rae very happy that you enjoyed your time with us !
Hope you see you back in Montpellier !
LSF team
Domáce ubytovanie je starostlivo vyberané a poskytuje študentom možnosť naučiť sa viac o miestnej kultúre v príjemnom prostredí, kým študujú Francúzština !in Montpellier. Tieto domy sú často do vzdialenosti 1 - 35 minút od školy verejnou dopravou. Rodiny obyčajne poskytujú cenovo prístupný plán stravovania, ktorý vám umožní vyskúšať miestnu kuchyňu. Ak máte špeciálne požiadavky, alebo obmedzenia týkajúce sa stravy (z náboženských alebo zdravotných dôvodov), dajte nám vedieť dopredu. Vaše ubytovanie začína v nedeľu pred prvým dňom kurzu a končí v sobotu po poslednom dni kurzu, ak nie je uvedené inak. Zistite viac o domácom ubytovaní
Host Family, Self-Catering
Host Family, Bed & Breakfast
Host Family, Half-Board
Je možné bývať v prenajatom byte počas vášho štúdia v Montpellieri, ale väčšinou je to drahšie. LSF poskytuje nejakú pomoc pri hľadaní podnájmu alebo si môžete prenajať byt sami.Zistite viac o ubytovaní v bytoch
Private studio in the student residence
My nemôžeme žiadať o víza v zastúpení študentov. Avšak škola vám môže dodať všetky podklady, ktoré potrebujete priložiť k vašej žiadosti o víza.
Váš list o prijatí vám bude bezplatne zaslaný na vašu domácu adresu obyčajnou poštou.
Najbližšie letisko ku školy je Montpellier Mediterranee Airport ( MPL).
Škola poskytuje služby vyzdvihovania na letisku. Ak si želáte, aby vás vyzdvihli, len nám pošlite podrobnosti o vašom lete a dátum príchodu. Cena jednosmernej dopravy z letiska Montpellier Mediterranee Airport je 55 €. Dopravu z letiska si musíte zarezervovať dopredu pri registrácii.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Montpellier based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Študujte v zahraničí bez starostí so zdravotným poistením a poistením osobného hnuteľného majetku od Language International. Keď si s nami rezervujete kurz, môžete si vybrať zakúpenie medzinárodného plánu poistenia, ktorý pokrýva nielen vaše výdavky na zdravotnú starostlivosť, ale tiež váš osobný majetok. Poistku si musíte zarezervovať dopredu pri registrácii.
Máte otázky? Získajte odpovede od personálu a predchádzajúcich študentov zariadenia LSF Montpellier.
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