Tertulia Mañanera (Drop-In Style, Intermediate Spanish)

Penobscot Bay Language School


Témy kurzov

Načúvanie, hovorenie, výslovnosť, čítanie, Slovník a gramatika

Program vyučovania

Doba trvania kurzu
1-50 týždňov
Dátumy začiatkov
Každý pondelok
Vyučovacích hodín do týždňa
1 lesson per week (každá hodina trvá 180 min)
Dni vyučovania

Časy vyučovania

You can choose from the following class times:

Dopoludňajšia blok
10:30 - 13:00

Plán kurzu sa môže zmeniť v závislosti od dostupnosti a sezóny.

Opis kurzu

Tertulia Mañanera (Drop-In Style, Intermediate Spanish)
Tuesday 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (NEW YORK TIME)

Join us for a multi-level literature driven conversation class (Spanish) each Tuesday from 10:30 AM (EST). Through guided reading of short pieces of literature, historical vignettes, poetry and other accessible materials, longtime PBLS instructor Billy Smith coaches Tertulia participants through pronunciation and accent improvement, while using “no holds barred” Spanish (or “adult Spanish” including advanced vocabulary, idiomatic usage as well as the etymology and cultural context of the language being used).

This course is offered 50 weeks /year – 10 weeks at a time. START ANY TUESDAY! The structure of the class allows for it to be an intermediate level class, while still a valuable experience for advanced learners.

Classes are offered online (Zoom) throughout the entire year. Local students are welcome to join instructor Billy Smith at the language school as part of a hybrid (online/in-person) class.

This class is ALWAYS followed by a FREE online event for Spanish Language Learners at 12:00 with our weekly “Almuerzo” (as part of our online Language Lunch series). All Tertulia participants are welcomed and encouraged to stay and participate!

Úroveň triedy

Stredná úroveň
Vyššia stredná úroveň
Pre pokročilých

Veľkosť triedy

Priemer 6 študentov
Maximum 10 študentov

Vek študenta

Vekové rozmedzie 16- roční a starší
Priemer 37- roční
(29 v lete)


Certifikát o absolvovaní kurzu bude vydaný na konci kurzu.
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