Xmas Spanish Program

Don Quijote: Malaga


Témy kurzov

Načúvanie, hovorenie, výslovnosť, čítanie, písanie, Slovník, gramatika a aktivity

Program vyučovania

Doba trvania kurzu
Dátumy začiatkov
23 dec 2024, 30 dec 2025, 22 dec 2025 a 29 dec 2026
Vyučovacích hodín do týždňa
20 lessons per week (každá hodina trvá 55 min)
Dni vyučovania
pondelok - piatok
Školské prázdniny
12 okt 2024, 01 nov 2024, 06 dec 2024, 08 dec 2024, 25 dec 2024, 01 jan 2025, 06 jan 2025, 28 feb 2025, 17 apr 2025, 18 apr 2025, 01 máj 2025, 15 aug 2025, 19 aug 2025, 08 sep 2025, 12 okt 2025, 01 nov 2025, 06 dec 2025, 08 dec 2025, 25 dec 2025

V Don Quijote sa nevyučuje počas sviatkov v dátumoch uvedených hore. Škola nenahrádza vyučovanie, ktoré pripadne na tieto sviatky, tak sa uistite, že ste to zohľadnili pri výbere termínu vášho začiatku.

Časy vyučovania

You can choose from the following class times:

Dopoludňajšia blok
09:00 - 13:00
Popoludňajší session
14:00 - 18:00

Plán kurzu sa môže zmeniť v závislosti od dostupnosti a sezóny.

Opis kurzu

Looking for some great Spanish classes over winter break? don Quijote offers a special Intensive Spanish course so that you can experience how Christmas and the New Year are celebrated in your host country.

You can look forward to experiencing traditions such as the Three Wise Men (Reyes Magos) parades and eating grapes during the countdown to welcome the New Year in Spain; or in Mexico, witness house-to-house processions, called Posadas, reenacting Mary and Joseph's search for shelter in Bethlehem.

The Intensive Spanish Christmas course is perfect for students who want to take advantage of their winter break by studying Spanish during such a festive and exciting time of year.

Most activities offered during Christmas week are included in the price (except transportation costs and entrance fees).

• Program dates 2024: 23/12/24-27/12/24, 30/12/24-03/01/25 or 23/12/24-03/01/25
• Program dates 2025: 22/12/25-26/12/25, 29/12/25-02/01/25 or 22/12/25-02/01/26

Úroveň triedy

Všetky úrovne,od začiatočníkov po pokročilých
Prvý deň budete robiť zaraďovací test na určenie triedy vašej úrovne. Môžete tiež spraviť túto skúšku pred príchodom do Malaga.

Veľkosť triedy

Priemer 6 študentov
Maximum 12 študentov

Vek študenta

Vekové rozmedzie 14- roční a starší


Certifikát o absolvovaní kurzu bude vydaný na konci kurzu.
Čítajte viac...


  • Don Quijote: Malaga 1/16
  • Don Quijote: Malaga 2/16
  • Vstup do Don Quijote: Malaga 3/16
  • Budova Don Quijote: Malaga 4/16
  • Recepcia Don Quijote: Malaga 5/16
  • Učebňa v Don Quijote: Malaga 6/16
  • Študenti Don Quijote: Malaga 7/16
  • Classes at Don Quijote: Malaga 8/16
  • Počítačová miestnosť v Don Quijote: Malaga 9/16
  • City of Malaga 10/16
  • Domáce ubytovanie poskytované Don Quijote: Malaga 11/16
  • Internáty poskytované Don Quijote: Malaga 12/16
  • Učitelia a personál Don Quijote: Malaga 13/16
  • Aktivity poskytované v Don Quijote: Malaga 14/16
  • Chodba v Don Quijote: Malaga 15/16
  • Spoločná miestnosť v Don Quijote: Malaga 16/16


50% odporučte

podľa 2 posudkov
5 hviezdičiek
4 hviezdičky
3 hviezdičky
2 hviezdičky
1 hviezdička
Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy

"Una gran experiencia."

Xueying Mei, študent z Čína

He pasado unos días maravillosos. Las clases son cómodas, la profesora era entusiasta y alegre. Las actividades han estado genial, aplicamos la teoría con las actividades. Y la casa aunque era sencilla cubría todas las necesidades. Mi opinión personal es que he disfrutado y aprendido mucho.

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Dátum štúdia
16 Jul 2023 - 21 Jul 2023
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.

"Beautiful building, old fashioned pedagogy."

Josette STEINBACH, študent z Francúzsko

The school is located in a beautiful restored building, in downtown Malaga, with common comfortable areas. The classroom are bright but lack any OHP. No language lab either.

I was lucky enough to attend a class with only 5 students (4 students the third week): a dream for any teacher. But obviously our teacher mistakes doing a “one woman show” with teaching. She, simply never stopped talking, about her kids, her apartment, relations with her husband, the education her mother gave her, the death of her father….treating her students as her best friends.

It was entertaining at first but ended up being really overwhelming. The worst: if we didn’t interrupt her, there was no way to say a single sentence during the entire morning.

This is why I asked for private tutoring for a week: very profitable eventually. Unfortunately, the third week I was back with the same teacher.

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Dátum štúdia
30 Jan 2023 - 3 Feb 2023
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.


Don Quijote ponúka nasledovné typy ubytovanie:

Doma - izba pre 2 osoby - Raňajky a večere

305 €

Homestay, Double room (Half Board)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Typ ubytovania: Doma
Typ izby: izba pre 2 osoby
Jedlá: Raňajky a večere (14 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Práčovňa a bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu
Vzdialenosť do školy: 1 - 20 minút
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
305 €
Staying with a Spanish host family is definitely the best way to get to know the Spanish way of life, Spanish customs and its cuisine. It also gives you an excellent opportunity to practise Spanish at all times in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All of our families have been carefully selected, interviewed and visited by our housing officer. Moreover they live in the same region of the school and can be reached within 2 minutes walking to 15 minutes by bus. Our families are modern and their houses are well-equipped.

Doma - izba pre 2 osoby - Raňajky

305 €

Homestay, Double room (Bed & Breakfast)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Typ ubytovania: Doma
Typ izby: izba pre 2 osoby
Jedlá: Raňajky (7 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Práčovňa a bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu
Vzdialenosť do školy: 1 - 20 minút
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
Obmedzenia: 2 študenti musia objednať spolu
305 €
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Doma - Jednolôžková izba - Raňajky a večere

345 €

Homestay Single room (Half Board)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Typ ubytovania: Doma
Typ izby: Jednolôžková izba
Jedlá: Raňajky a večere (14 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Práčovňa a bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu
Vzdialenosť do školy: 2 - 20 minút
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
345 €
Staying with a Spanish host family is definitely the best way to get to know the Spanish way of life, Spanish customs and its cuisine. It also gives you an excellent opportunity to practise Spanish at all times in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All of our families have been carefully selected, interviewed and visited by our housing officer. Moreover they live in the same region of the school and can be reached within 2 minutes walking to 15 minutes by bus. Our families are modern and their houses are well-equipped.

Doma - izba pre 2 osoby - Raňajky, obedy a večere

345 €

Homestay, Double room (Full Board)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Typ ubytovania: Doma
Typ izby: izba pre 2 osoby
Jedlá: Raňajky, obedy a večere (21 jedál za týždeň)
Vzdialenosť do školy: 1 - 20 minút
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
345 €
Staying with a Spanish host family is definitely the best way to get to know the Spanish way of life, Spanish customs and its cuisine. It also gives you an excellent opportunity to practise Spanish at all times in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All of our families have been carefully selected, interviewed and visited by our housing officer. Moreover they live in the same region of the school and can be reached within 2 minutes walking to 15 minutes by bus. Our families are modern and their houses are well-equipped.

Doma - Jednolôžková izba - Raňajky

345 €

Homestay, Single room (Bed & Breakfast)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Umiestnenie: In the city center of Malaga
Typ ubytovania: Doma
Typ izby: Jednolôžková izba
Jedlá: Raňajky (7 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Práčovňa a bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu
Vzdialenosť do školy: 1 - 20 minút walkom
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
345 €
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Doma - Jednolôžková izba - Raňajky, obedy a večere

375 €

Homestay Single room (Full Board)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Typ ubytovania: Doma
Typ izby: Jednolôžková izba
Jedlá: Raňajky, obedy a večere (21 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Práčovňa a bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu
Vzdialenosť do školy: 2 - 20 minút
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
375 €
Staying with a Spanish host family is definitely the best way to get to know the Spanish way of life, Spanish customs and its cuisine. It also gives you an excellent opportunity to practise Spanish at all times in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All of our families have been carefully selected, interviewed and visited by our housing officer. Moreover they live in the same region of the school and can be reached within 2 minutes walking to 15 minutes by bus. Our families are modern and their houses are well-equipped.

Internát - izba pre 2 osoby - Raňajky

309 €

Student Residence, Double room (Bed & Breakfast)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Typ ubytovania: Internát
Typ izby: izba pre 2 osoby
Jedlá: Raňajky (7 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Vlastná kúpeľňa, kuchyňa, práčovňa, bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu, a kúrenie
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
309 €
You'll have plenty of opportunity to mix with native Spanish speakers in Valencia: this student residence also houses Spanish university students. The Valencia residence is located in the don Quijote school building, smack dab in the center of the University of Valencia campus. Your meals will be prepared for you.

Enroll early for our Valencia residence, as this on-campus accommodation fills quickly.

The Valencia residence features:

Private bathroom
In-room telephone and internet connections
Air conditioning
Washing machines
TV room

Internát - izba pre 2 osoby - Raňajky a večere

349 €

Student Residence, Double room (Half Board)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Typ ubytovania: Internát mimo areálu školy
Typ izby: izba pre 2 osoby
Jedlá: Raňajky a večere (14 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Vlastná kúpeľňa, kuchyňa, práčovňa, bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu, a kúrenie
Vzdialenosť do školy: 1 minút
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
349 €
You'll have plenty of opportunity to mix with native Spanish speakers in Valencia: this student residence also houses Spanish university students. The Valencia residence is located in the don Quijote school building, smack dab in the center of the University of Valencia campus. Your meals will be prepared for you.

Enroll early for our Valencia residence, as this on-campus accommodation fills quickly.

The Valencia residence features:

Private bathroom
In-room telephone and internet connections
Air conditioning
Washing machines
TV room

Internát - izba pre 2 osoby - Raňajky, obedy a večere

389 €

Student Residence, Double room (Full Board)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Typ ubytovania: Internát mimo areálu školy
Typ izby: izba pre 2 osoby
Jedlá: Raňajky, obedy a večere (21 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Vlastná kúpeľňa, kuchyňa, práčovňa, bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu, a kúrenie
Vzdialenosť do školy: 1 minút
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
389 €
You'll have plenty of opportunity to mix with native Spanish speakers in Valencia: this student residence also houses Spanish university students. The Valencia residence is located in the don Quijote school building, smack dab in the center of the University of Valencia campus. Your meals will be prepared for you.

Enroll early for our Valencia residence, as this on-campus accommodation fills quickly.

The Valencia residence features:

Private bathroom
In-room telephone and internet connections
Air conditioning
Washing machines
TV room

Internát - Jednolôžková izba - Raňajky

399 €

Student Residence, Single room (Bed & Breakfast)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Typ ubytovania: Internát
Typ izby: Jednolôžková izba
Jedlá: Raňajky (7 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Vlastná kúpeľňa, kuchyňa, práčovňa, bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu, a kúrenie
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
399 €
You'll have plenty of opportunity to mix with native Spanish speakers in Valencia: this student residence also houses Spanish university students. The Valencia residence is located in the don Quijote school building, smack dab in the center of the University of Valencia campus. Your meals will be prepared for you.

Enroll early for our Valencia residence, as this on-campus accommodation fills quickly.

The Valencia residence features:

Private bathroom
In-room telephone and internet connections
Air conditioning
Washing machines
TV room

Internát - Jednolôžková izba - Raňajky a večere

439 €

Student Residence, Single room (Half Board)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Typ ubytovania: Internát mimo areálu školy
Typ izby: Jednolôžková izba
Jedlá: Raňajky a večere (14 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Vlastná kúpeľňa, kuchyňa, práčovňa, bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu, a kúrenie
Vzdialenosť do školy: 1 minút
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
439 €
You'll have plenty of opportunity to mix with native Spanish speakers in Valencia: this student residence also houses Spanish university students. The Valencia residence is located in the don Quijote school building, smack dab in the center of the University of Valencia campus. Your meals will be prepared for you.

Enroll early for our Valencia residence, as this on-campus accommodation fills quickly.

The Valencia residence features:

Private bathroom
In-room telephone and internet connections
Air conditioning
Washing machines
TV room

Internát - Jednolôžková izba - Raňajky, obedy a večere

479 €

Student Residence, Single room (Full Board)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Typ ubytovania: Internát mimo areálu školy
Typ izby: Jednolôžková izba
Jedlá: Raňajky, obedy a večere (21 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Vlastná kúpeľňa, kuchyňa, práčovňa, a bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu
Vzdialenosť do školy: 1 minút
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
479 €
You'll have plenty of opportunity to mix with native Spanish speakers in Valencia: this student residence also houses Spanish university students. The Valencia residence is located in the don Quijote school building, smack dab in the center of the University of Valencia campus. Your meals will be prepared for you.

Enroll early for our Valencia residence, as this on-campus accommodation fills quickly.

The Valencia residence features:

Private bathroom
In-room telephone and internet connections
Air conditioning
Washing machines
TV room

Byt - izba pre 2 osoby - Bez stravy

199 €

Regular Shared Apartment, Double room (No meals)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Umiestnenie: In the city center of Malaga
Typ ubytovania: Zdieľaný byt
Typ izby: izba pre 2 osoby
Jedlá: Bez stravy
Technické vybavenie: Kuchyňa a bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu
Vzdialenosť do školy: 1 - 20 minút walkom
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
199 €
Our student apartments in Barcelona bring together international students from the don Quijote school in a pleasant, open atmosphere. The apartments are not luxurious, but are completely furnished and equipped. No meals are offered but each apartment has a kitchen with a microwave, pans, cutlery and everything you might need to cook your own food.

There are apartments of different sizes and characteristics, booked according to availability. Most of them are located within walking distance from the school or are accessible by a short ride on public transportation.

They include all the basic facilities: a bed, table or desk, chair and a closet wardrobe.
Each student apartment has a living room with TV, a fully equipped kitchen, a washing machine and an iron.
No telephones are available in student flats; we suggest you use public telephones or local calling centers.

Byt - Jednolôžková izba - Bez stravy

299 €

Regular Shared Apartment, Single room (No meals)

Vekové rozmedzie: 14- roční a starší
Umiestnenie: In the city center of Malaga
Typ ubytovania: Zdieľaný byt
Typ izby: Jednolôžková izba
Jedlá: Bez stravy
Technické vybavenie: Kuchyňa, práčovňa, telefón, bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu, tV miestnosť, a kúrenie
Vzdialenosť do školy: 1 - 20 minút walkom
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
299 €
Our student apartments in Barcelona bring together international students from the don Quijote school in a pleasant, open atmosphere. The apartments are not luxurious, but are completely furnished and equipped. No meals are offered but each apartment has a kitchen with a microwave, pans, cutlery and everything you might need to cook your own food.

There are apartments of different sizes and characteristics, booked according to availability. Most of them are located within walking distance from the school or are accessible by a short ride on public transportation.

They include all the basic facilities: a bed, table or desk, chair and a closet wardrobe.
Each student apartment has a living room with TV, a fully equipped kitchen, a washing machine and an iron.
No telephones are available in student flats; we suggest you use public telephones or local calling centers.

Pomoc pri vízach

My nemôžeme žiadať o víza v zastúpení študentov. Avšak škola vám môže dodať všetky podklady, ktoré potrebujete priložiť k vašej žiadosti o víza.

Váš list o prijatí vám bude bezplatne zaslaný na vašu domácu adresu obyčajnou poštou. Ak si želáte zaslať vaše dokumenty expresnou poštou, pri registrácii zaplatíte poplatok 185 €.

Lety a letisková doprava

Najbližšie letisko ku školy je Málaga Airport ( AGP).

Škola poskytuje služby vyzdvihovania na letisku. Ak si želáte, aby vás vyzdvihli, len nám pošlite podrobnosti o vašom lete a dátum príchodu. Cena jednosmernej dopravy z letiska Málaga Airport je 85 €. Dopravu z letiska si musíte zarezervovať dopredu pri registrácii.

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Malaga based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Cestovné poistenie

Študujte v zahraničí bez starostí so zdravotným poistením a poistením osobného hnuteľného majetku od Language International. Keď si s nami rezervujete kurz, môžete si vybrať zakúpenie medzinárodného plánu poistenia, ktorý pokrýva nielen vaše výdavky na zdravotnú starostlivosť, ale tiež váš osobný majetok. Poistku si musíte zarezervovať dopredu pri registrácii.

Zistite viac o našom pláne poistenia »

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