Our teachers are well-trained and give thorough classes in a friendly and social environment. We have daily tests based on the previous day's material that help students understand their ability and weak points as well as to review what they have learned. This helps the teachers understand what each student needs in class. We use our own exclusive text as well as JLPT materials for classes to deliver interesting, useful and varied lessons. Students who wish to take longer courses must provide documentation for us to apply for a student visa on your behalf. Facilities ● 3 Buildings (less than a one minute walk from the main building) ● 28 Classrooms ● 3 Academic Offices ● 1 Secretariat's Office ● 6 Vending Machines for hot and cold drinks ● 1 Computer Area with Internet Access ● 1 Self-Study Room ● 2 Counselling Rooms ● Toilets on every floor ● Fully Air-Conditioned & Heated Classrooms We provide detailed guidance for students to get quickly acquainted with life in Japan. At our Opening Ceremony, native speakers in various languages give an introduction to the school and life in Japan to answer student's questions. Teachers are able to give advice in Japanese to students and our multi-lingual office staff is able to speak natively to students about their queries or concerns. Every season of the year has events we like students to participate in. Events range from cultural events to visiting theme parks, museums, school parties and barbecues. During students stay at Shinwa they can learn Japanese and also participate in many activities organised by the school. There are also many cultural events to participate in including, kimono wearing, visiting temples, the Imperial Palace, museums, etc. Other events include festivals, visiting and learning about Japanese media industries, visiting theme parks, etc. There are a range of other activities and field trips the school has or can recommend, depending on the season.
Learn Japanese & live in your private teacher's home around Tokyo with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including Japanese lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Japan. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one Japanese lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Tokyo. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in Japanese. All of our teachers in Japan have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Tokyo, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Genki Japonská a kultúrná škola (GenkiJACS) je medzinárodne uznávaná komunikačná škola japonského jazyka, ktorá ponúka krátkodobé i dlhodobé študijné pobyty v zahraničí, učia japonskému jazyku a kultúre v uvoľnenom a priateľskom prostredí. Nachádzame sa v centre mesta Fukuoka, najväčšom meste v južnom Japonsku. GenkiJACS bola nominovaná hlasovaním ako jedna z najlepších svetových jazykových škôl po každý rok od roku 2009 do roku 2018 a získala ocenenie v rokoch 2016 a 2018. Sme jednou z dvoch japonských jazykových škôl na svete, ktoré sú akreditované IALC, Medzinárodnou asociáciou jazykových centier. Ponúkame kurzy v rôznych oblastiach, vrátane konverzačné japončiny, pop kultúry, japonskej kultúry a štúdia na skúšky, všetko s dôrazom na praktickú časť vnútri aj mimo učebne. Pre študentov zo zahraničia, ktorí študujú v našej jazykovej škole môžeme ponúknuť celý rad možností ubytovania, vrátane ubytovania v súkromí a nocľahárňach a po celú dobu Vášho pobytu organizovať rôzne aktivity. Sme tu preto, aby sme vás učili japončinu, ktorá stojí za to - preto sa študenti znovu a znovu vracajú do GenkiJACS! Všetci učitelia GenkiJACS sú absolventmi 420-hodinového japonského kurzu vzdelávania učiteľov na uznávanej študijné inštitúciu. Máme len tých najlepších a vykonávame pravidelné školenia. Študenti súhlasí: nenájdete lepších učiteľov! Máme 13 stálych učební a veľký spoločenský salónik pre študentov na relaxáciu. Naše učebne sú avrhnuté tak, aby uľahčili učenie v uvoľnenom a príjemnom prostredí. V škole sú k dispozícii nasledujúce zariadenia: PC so širokopásmovým prístupom k internetu a aplikáciami, bezplatné bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu, študijné priestor, herná konzola Wii s veľkým výberom hier, DVD / TV a veľká knižnica DVD na zapožičanie bezplatne, prenosné DVD / CD prehrávača pre nezávislé štúdium, projektor s veľkou obrazovkou, manga / knižnica, zadarmo káva / čaj / chai. Počas prázdnin GenkiJACS buď organizuje alternatívne akcie pre študentov na deň, kedy je škola zatvorená, alebo vráti školné na tento deň.
Ak ste majiteľ alebo manažér zariadenia Meros Language School, zaregistrujte sa teraz a získajte prístup k bezplatným nástrojom, ktoré vám umožnia vylepšiť váš profil, pritiahnuť viac recenzií a odpovedať hodnotiteľom.
Manage my school profile »Meros sa nachádza v Ikebukuro, jednej z najobľúbenejších oblastí v Tokiu.
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