Ak ste majiteľ alebo manažér zariadenia Nine Star Enterprises, Inc, zaregistrujte sa teraz a získajte prístup k bezplatným nástrojom, ktoré vám umožnia vylepšiť váš profil, pritiahnuť viac recenzií a odpovedať hodnotiteľom.
Manage my school profile »To, čo sa dnes nazýva Nine Star Enterprises, Inc. (dba Nine Star Education & Employment Services), bolo založené v roku 1976 ako široká vzdelávacia inštitúcia. Jeho prvé kancelárie boli umiestnené v areáli Aljašskej tichomorskej univerzity. V decembri 1994 dokončila spoločnosť Nine Star záverečnú dokumentáciu, ktorá mala obsadiť vlastnú budovu v centre Anchorage na ulici 125 West Fifth Avenue.
V posledných rokoch spoločnosť Nine Star zriadila kancelárie na siedmich miestach na juhovýchodnom Aljaške - Mountain View, Midtown, štyri kancelárie v centre Anchorage a najnovší dosah vo Wasille.
Máte otázky? Získajte odpovede od personálu a predchádzajúcich študentov zariadenia Nine Star Enterprises, Inc.
Spýtať sa otázkuWe are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. If you move to the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.
We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes and GED prep for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are $40/session. If you move to the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.
We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.
We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.
We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.
We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.
We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.