Internáty sú vhodnejšie pre nezávislého študenta, ktorý hľadá čisté, základné ubytovanie za úspornú cenu. Všetci študenti musia byť 18+ ak nie je uvedené inak. Vaše ubytovanie začína v nedeľu pred prvým dňom kurzu a končí v sobotu po poslednom dni kurzu, ak nie je uvedené inak. Zistite viac o ubytovaní na internátoch
OHLA kampus sa nachádza v srdci Miami "Brickell", známy ako finančný okres Miami. S 25 neodolateľnými učebňami, 3 recepciami, 3 počítačovými učebňami a najmodernejším zariadením, ktoré pojme viac ako 350 študentov.
Študenti OHLA majú prístup ku 2 bazénom, vírivke, plne vybavené posilňovni, kaviarni a wellness centre s názvom Open Hearts Living Active, kde môžu študenti cvičiť jogu, pilates a power plates.
Študenti OHLA majú prístup k Centru pre postgraduálne štúdium, kde sa študenti môžu primárne zamerať na prípravu na univerzitu a skúšky. Centrum je plne vybavené interaktívnymi tabuľami, pre zlepšenie výučby.
Vynikajúca poloha OHLA umožňuje študentom prístup k systému metra, ktoré je len 2 minúty od školy a je v pešej vzdialenosti od stanice metra, klubov, reštaurácií, obchodov s potravinami, pláží, Bayside, atď.
Príďte a buďte súčasťou našej rôznorodého študentského národa. Vitajte v Ohla!
Máte otázky? Získajte odpovede od personálu a predchádzajúcich študentov zariadenia OHLA Schools.
Spýtať sa otázkuNot if the student is under 16. Because of admissions and immigration regulations we cannot accept studnets under that age for the F1 visa.
No. Our minimum age is 15. We recommend private lessons for a 12 year old.
We can advise that the closest family are 45-50 minutes away from the schoopl via public transport. And the family is hispanic and they speak English at home.
We recommend the first 3 weeks taking semi-intensive Basic 2, together with 2 private lessons per week. On completion, the student will be ready for a re-test for admission to the Cambridge preparation program. Or 4 weeks of semi-intensive general English compbined with provate lessons.
It is possib. Howver, our center only offer the IELTS test preparation. The official exam center is twenty miles away.
No we cannot. We recommend private classes for a 12 year old.
No we do not.
If he pays the full tuition in advance and he transfers to another school (not another ELS center,) he would not receive any refund after having completed ½ of his enrolled program. However, if he transfers to another ELS center, his remaining balance would be transferrable to the new ELS center.
The only penalty fee would be if he has ELS housing and doesn’t provide sufficient notice to the center about housing cancellation for future sessions.
If we do not receive the payment from CADIVI by the start date, the student will have to pay monthly fees until we receive payment. Then we will refund the student 30 days after we get paid.
We can only hold the space for 48 hours.
No. We select students by similar English ability. The group minimum will be 16 and there is no maximum age.
The CADIVI is quite complicated. The Venezuelan government do not approve many applications.
We can accept him and process all the papers, however it will be important to mention to him that if Cadivi is not accepted then he will be in obligation to pay the full amount prior his program starting date.
If he enters to the USA 15 days before then he can come to the school and pay us directly (the gross Invoice).
Please inform your student that in order to start his admission process and to issue the I-20 Form we have to receive from him:
1. Copy of the passport
2. Bank letter or statement with a minimum balance of $6000 (it can be in Bolivares)
Yes we can.