Je možné bývať v prenajatom byte počas vášho štúdia !in Šanghaj, ale väčšinou je to drahšie. SN Mandarin poskytuje nejakú pomoc pri hľadaní podnájmu alebo si môžete prenajať byt sami.Zistite viac o ubytovaní v bytoch
Areál ústredia Jing'an, čínska jazyková škola SN Mandarin a kurzy čínštiny Jing'an Shanghai
Pridať: F10, Izba 1006, No.309, Yuyuan Road (Roh Peking West Rd), Jing'an, Šanghaj, Čína
地址: 静安 区 愚 园路 路 309 号 10 楼 (靠近 北京 西路) - 南北 中文 学校 总部
Doprava: 3 minúty chôdze od výjazdu č. 1 zo stanice chrámu Jing'an, linky metra 2/7
交通: 地铁 2/7 号 线, 静安 寺 地铁 站, 1 号 口 出, 紫 安 大厦 10 楼, 步行 3 分钟
V centre mesta, kde si väčšina firiem vyberie kanceláriu a vycestuje, vyberie si pobyt.
Pohodlné prostredie verejnej dopravy a nakupovania.
Vitajte v Šanghaji a učte sa čínsky s SN Mandarin.
Máte otázky? Získajte odpovede od personálu a predchádzajúcich študentov zariadenia SN Mandarin Chinese Academy.
Spýtať sa otázku
Hi Georgina!
I apologize for the late response.
Yes, online and offline options are both available.
Let me clarify the prices for you:
OFFLINE Private lessons:
1. 200RMB/lesson (45min) if you purchase 10-40 lessons
*if 60 min lesson , the price is 260RMB
2. 160RMB/lesson if you purchase 41-80 lessons
3.150RMB/lesson if you purchase 81-120 lessons
4. 130RMB/lesson if you purchase 121-200 lessons
Option 1) 2h per week - 120 min per week = 520RMB/week
Option 2) 4h per week - 240 min per week = 1040RMB/week
ONLINE Private lessons:
1. 160RMB/lesson (45min) if you purchase 10-40 lessons
*if 60 min lesson, the price is 210RMB
2. 150RMB/lesson if you purchase 41-80 lessons
3.140RMB/lesson if you purchase 81-120 lessons
4. 130RMB/lesson if you purchase 121-200 lessons
Option 1) 2h per week - 120 min per week = 420RMB/week
Option 2) 4h per week - 240 min per week = 840RMB/week
Please, let me know if you have more questions! You can contact me directly through email: [email protected]
Hi Rahel!
I apologize for the late response.
Which program exactly are you interested in? I am ready to help!
You can check more details on our website:
You can contact us here or just directly to email: [email protected]
Best regards!
Hi, Rafael!
I apologize for the late response!
Are you still interested in studying Chinese in Shanghai?
You can contact us through 1) email: [email protected] OR 2) website:
I apologize for the late response. If you still planning on studying Mandarin in Shanghai, welcome to us!
Contact us via email of our Course Consultant: [email protected]
Our website:
Hi, Natasha!
Our school is still open, but we rarely use this platform, so apologies for so late response!
You can check us here:
Email: [email protected]