We specialize in providing employees, managers, skilled workers and executives with optimal conditions to learn and perfect their use of a foreign language. Through a partnership of equals we impart knowledge aimed at your function in your organization, attuned to your business, and in accordance with your personal needs. You do not simply learn a foreign language with us but exactly what you need in order to achieve your personal goals in your business life. Right from the beginning, we take plenty of time to assess your needs. Apart from defining your learning goals, we also try to ascertain which learning environment suits you best. All trainers at Minnaar van Wyk Personalized Language Services are university graduates and CELTA certified.
ILS is an internationally recognized language school in the center of Bern. Our school supports people from every age group and background with the acquisition of foreign languages. We offer courses in German, French, English Spanish and Italian on all levels. Another core area of the school is the organization of language stays in Bern. We welcome students from every part of the world, who, thanks to our experienced teachers, progress quickly in their endeavors to learn the German language. As a licensed test center for telc exams and as an EduQua certified language school, we guarantee utmost quality when it comes to language learning. Our core values include: • providing individual support for individual needs • a pleasant learning atmosphere • personal contact during lessons
ILS bola skvelá príležitosť pre cestujúceho turistu, ktorý mal záujem pokračovať v štúdiu jazykov. Dokázali sa prispôsobiť môjmu cestovnému plánu, čo sa mi veľmi páčilo! Poloha v blízkosti SBB nemohla byť výhodnejšia. Zúčastnil som sa... more
Dobre organizovaná škola v dobrej lokalite v blízkosti železničnej stanice Basel SBB. Učiteľ bol výborný. V triede boli len traja žiaci, takže učiteľ mal dostatok času na všetkých žiakov. Vzdelávanie bolo zamerané na konverzáciu, ale nechýbala ani... more
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, v Bazileji je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy angličtiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.