Nachádzame sa v centre tohto krásneho, historického a zábavného škótskeho mesta a tešíme sa silnej medzinárodnej povesti pri poskytovaní vysokokvalitnej výučby anglického jazyka v príjemnej a profesionálnej atmosfére. Máme kurzy, ktoré vyhovujú každej úrovni anglického jazyka od začiatočníkov až po akademické kvalifikácie. Veríme, že študenti by mali byť pri štúdiu šťastní a uvoľnení. Preto sa v inlingue v Edinburghu nesústredíme len na poskytovanie najlepšej výučby jazykov v triede, ale venujeme sa aj osobitným potrebám každého študenta. Osobitná pozornosť a osobné služby sú pre nás najdôležitejšie. Pomôžeme vám nájsť ubytovanie a pomôžeme s cestovným zabezpečením počas pobytu v Škótsku. Máme spoločenské večery, medzi ktoré môžu patriť spoločenské hry, futbal 5-side, divadelné skupiny, tradičná hudba a návštevy kaviarne alebo krčmy. Cez víkendy v lete robíme zájazdy po Škótsku, sprevádzané učiteľom, ktorý ponúka informácie a zabezpečuje, že angličtina je vždy hovorená.
Všetci zamestnanci sú kvalifikovaní podľa požiadaviek British Council. Škola je testovacím strediskom pre Trinity College London a zároveň oficiálnym prípravným strediskom pre skúšky Cambridge ESOL. Škola je v centre Edinburghu a má počítačové vybavenie, študijnú knižnicu, spätné projektory v triedach, kuchyňu, záhradu a spoločenskú miestnosť.
13 year round classes with free Wi-Fi connectivity Student common room Student computer room with reference library and study facilities Student garden with BBQ and seating area Dedicated teacher training suite Free high-speed Wi-Fi access 24 hour emergency phone facility Tea and coffee facilities City centre location Many excellent cafes/sandwich shops all within a short walking distance from the school Dedicated academic and social programme team to help with studies and extracurricular activities
Vitajte v Kaplan International v Edinburghu. Vysoká škola ponúka pôsobivú škálu kurzov angličtiny vo veľkolepom a rušnom prostredí Edinburghu, kozmopolitného hlavného mesta Škótska. Škótska jedinečná zmes prírodných krás a romantické tradície ho robí obľúbenou destináciou pre tisíce turistov každý rok. Či už je to chuť škótskej whisky, zvuk gájd alebo prívetivosť škótskych ľudí, ktoré vás sem pritiahnu, nie je lepšie miesto naučiť sa angličtine a zažiť škótskou kultúru než v majestátnym hlavnom meste. Vysoká škola sa nachádza v samom srdci Edinburghu, len pár minút od štýlových obchodov Princes Street a impozantný pevnosti hradu Edinburgh. Vysoká škola je umiestnená v elegantnej georgiánskej budove a ponúka vynikajúce zariadenie vrátane bezplatného bezdrôtového pripojenia k internetu a multimediálne miestnosť s najnovšou jazykovú výučbovú technológií.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Edinburgh with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Edinburgh. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Edinburgh, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Scottish Borders with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Scottish Borders. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Scottish Borders, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Edinburgh and surrounding areas.
The host are located in Scottish Borders and surrounding areas.
Basil Paterson has a long tradition of academic excellence and with over fifty years of experience in English language teaching we remain dedicated to empowering each student in their future English communication. Located in the heart of Edinburgh’s historic New Town, Basil Paterson provides a unique academic environment, where you study alongside native speakers studying for UK examinations or taking the Cambridge CELTA course. Experienced and qualified teaching staff work hard to ensure that you receive a high level of academic support, encouraging your progression. The focus is on learning both inside and outside the classroom and classwork is complemented by our varied social and cultural programme. As the largest open exam centre in Scotland for IELTS and Cambridge English, we are best placed to guide you through your exam preparation courses. Studying at Basil Paterson means you have classes and take your exam in the same building. We also offer a guaranteed place on the next available exam. Our Academic Approach Our aim at Basil Paterson College is to provide a learning environment which helps all students to reach their full potential. Whether your objective is to improve your English skills for work, university or life in an English-speaking country, you will find that studying with us provides the focus and drive that you need. Tailored support from qualified teachers and individual coaching sessions helps our learners to achieve their aims. What can learners achieve with a course at Basil Paterson College? Improved confidence when communicating in English for work, study and travel Ownership over the language learning process and development of independent study skills The knowledge, skills and strategies needed for success in English language exams Greater intercultural competence through working in multinational classes Increased motivation through intensive courses which challenge and inspire learners Learning outcomes of our programmes No matter which course you choose to study and what goals you have it is our belief that all students achieve certain outcomes throughout their period of study with us. Students are able to express themselves clearly and with more variety in both social and academic and business situations They increase their fluency and accuracy in English They have more confidence in reading and listening and will be better equipped to participate in discussions and communication As well as spoken production being improved we will also see a better use of non-verbal skills such as body language and appropriate gestures to enhance verbal communication. Pre-course test We ask every student to complete a placement test before arrival and a short speaking assessment on the first day. This gives us essential information about your English language level and which class would be most suitable for you. Progress depends on motivation, self-study habits, learning strategies and language immersion. We expect students to work hard and focus on their goals. Homework Our courses are designed to be intensive and learners should expect homework every day and over the weekend. Certification At the end of your course, you are given a certificate showing your course dates, attendance and assessment of your level of spoken production, spoken interaction, reading, listening and writing skills. The levels are based on your teachers’ evaluation of your level with reference to the Common European Framework for Languages.
IH InTuition Languages je lídrom na trhu v oblasti výučby domácich jazykov - kde študenti žijú a študujú jeden na druhého v úplnom ponorení do domu svojho učiteľa. Kurzy sú prispôsobené individuálnym požiadavkám a akademickým požiadavkám každého študenta - od všeobecnej angličtiny po prípravu na skúšky a obchodné a profesionálne kurzy sú naše programy úplne prispôsobené potrebám každého študenta. Zrýchlený pokrok je zaručený v prostredí jeden na jedného a úplné ponorenie, dokonca aj mimo formálnych tried. So sieťou viac ako 600 učiteľov v celej Veľkej Británii, Írsku, na Malte, v USA, Kanade, Austrálii, Francúzsku, Španielsku, Nemecku a Taliansku sme schopní ponúknuť najširšiu škálu zážitkov a dobrodružstiev v oblasti jazykového vzdelávania. IH InTuition Languages, založená v roku 1990, je hrdým členom Medzinárodnej organizácie House House World Organization, jednej z popredných svetových organizácií pre výučbu jazykov. Sme akreditovaní British Council na výučbu domácich kurzov vo Veľkej Británii - prvá organizácia, ktorá získala túto akreditáciu.
Centrálne umiestnená škola a učte sa v malých skupinách. Príjemná atmosféra a neformálna spolupatričnosť. Všestranný program denných aktivít. Minimálne 1 x týždenne výmena učiteľov, čo znamená, že do hry vstupujú rôzne vyučovacie metódy. V... more
Ahoj! Škola sa mi páči, strávil som tam dobrý čas, krásne triedy boli pekné, väčšina učiteľov je dobrá a milí, niektorí nie sú dobrí vo vyučovaní trochu nudne, ale väčšina je dobrá. A čo sa týka homestay, mal som problém s jedným hostiteľom,... more
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, v Edinburghu je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy angličtiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.