IELS Malta (Institute of English Language Studies) is one of the foremost and largest English language schools in Malta. With 40 years teaching experience, we are fully accredited by the EFL Monitoring Board, FELTOM, ALTO, Cambridge ESOL, Bildungsurlaub, Trinity Exams and in collaboration with Marshall Pan and Erasmus+. IELS is officially the first and only Cambridge English Educational Partner in Malta, highlighting our dedication to delivering top-quality English language education. By being Cambridge English Educational Partner, we’re further enhancing the academic experience we offer to our students. IELS operates a modern school and Head Office in Sliema, as well a Young Learners School in Gzira (during summer months). IELS also owns and operates Day’s Inn Hotel & Residence & IELS Onsite Residence, both situated in the heart of Sliema. Having a worldwide market presence, welcoming students from over 50 different countries. • First and only Cambridge English Educational Partner in Malta • Both school and own residence (5min walking distance) located in Sliema • 45 classrooms with capacity of 700 students • Average 30+ years old all year around • 30+ years old General English Course with average of 12 students per classroom • Young Learners courses aged between 13 to 17 years old • Tailor-made groups for both Adults & Young Learners all year round Youtube:
Na inlingua Malte neučíme iba angličtinu, ale učíme angličtinu inlingua spôsobom. Inlingua metóda je náš vlastný štýl výučby, ktorý sa ukázal ako účinný nástroj úspešného jazykového vzdelávania. Všetky učebnice inlingua sú špeciálne vyvinuté na našom akademickom oddelení vo Švajčiarsku. Naša škola sa nachádza v rušnom komerčnom a obytnom prímorskom meste Sliema. Všetko, čo potrebujete, je hneď za dverami. V skutočnosti môžete získať takmer čokoľvek za menej ako 60 sekúnd. Naša škola sa skladá zo 44 klimatizovaných tried, DVD miestnosti, interaktívnej tabule v prednáškovej miestnosti, knižničného / samostudia, študentskej spoločenskej miestnosti, bezplatné Wi-Fi v celej budove inlingua. Hodiny, ktoré sa zmeškajú počas štátnych sviatkov, sa zostavia počas aktuálneho týždňa.
Internet Lounge A great place for you to socialize with other students. A relaxing and comfortable environment where you can also use our facilities to communicate with friends and family back home. Free WiFi Free wi-fi access can be found all over the school premises including classrooms and leisure areas. Make use of this facility for personal use and also to help you with your studies. Student Café The student café is a fantastic place to spend your free time. It is open every day (Monday to Friday) from early in the morning to late in the afternoon and offers a wide selection of drinks, as well as fresh, hot and cold food daily. The café is located on the fourth floor and leads to our rooftop open terrace. Rooftop Open Terrace Enjoy views of the surrounding cities, while socializing with your fellow classmates and staff. Have breakfast, lunch, listen to music and enjoy your free time with other students in a fantastic open-air environment. Friendly Reception and Customer Care This is the focal point for information in the school. Our team is highly experienced and will help you with whatever you may need during your stay. 14 Air-conditioned Classrooms Our classrooms are bright, spacious and airy, and have modern furniture to suit your needs as a student and to provide you with a positive, learning environment. Our climate control system helps provide a comfortable environment for your well- being. Interactive whiteboards Interactive Whiteboards (IWB’s) can be found in all classrooms and are an effective tool to aid your learning experience. Information can be accessed quickly through IWB’sto facilitate your specific needs. Self Learning Centre Make use of our library resources for your self- study. Your teachers will assist you with choosing appropriate materials from our range of graded reading booked, audio books, dvd’s and magazines.
Inlingua je veľmi dobrá skúsenosť pre základnú úroveň angličtiny. Páčil sa mi rozvrh hodín - nie toľko prestávok, len dosť. Tiež nejaká aktivita bola skvelá a užitočná. Veľa možností, ako spoznať rôzne národy. Kniha sa mi nepáčila - myslím si, že... more
Počas môjho kurzu inlingua som spoznala skvelých ľudí. Tiež som si užil toľko zábavy na hodinách s úžasnou učiteľkou - Avie. Prial by som si, aby som mohol zostať dlhšie. more
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, v Sliema je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy angličtiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.