Naša metóda, založená na komunikatívnom aspektu jazyka, nevyžaduje žiadne učebnice, ale skôr poskytuje systém prispôsobených zošitov vytvorený učiteľmi, ktoré sú prispôsobené jazykovým potrebám študentov. Bez vynechanie písomných zručností sa zameriame na konverzáciu a jej použitie v každodennej francúzštine. Preto sú naše učebné materiály zamerané na aktuálne francúzské situácie a obohatené mnohými dokumenty vrátane piesní, článkov z novín a časopisov, videí, hier atď. Všetci naši študenti sú umiestnení v rôznych skupinách v závislosti na ich úrovni: ozajstní začiatočníci, falošní začiatočníci, nižšie pokročilí, pokročilí, viac pokročilí a najviac pokročilí. V prvý deň bude vykonané ústnej posúdenie, ktoré určia kurz / úroveň, ktorá najlepšie zodpovedá vašej úrovni hovorené francúzštiny. Zhromaždení okolo stola sú študenti povzbudzovaní, aby sa aktívne zúčastnili a prejavovali svoju kreativitu pomocou prezentácií, dramaturgických techník a debát. Výslovnosť je opravovaná po celú dobu tried a domáce úlohy sú dané študentom na konci každej lekcie (opravy sa vykonávajú buď individuálne počas tried alebo v skupinovej relácii na začiatku dennej triedy).
LSI Paris sa nachádza v srdci historického centra mesta, v budove z 18. storočia. Leží blízko Louvru - najväčšieho svetového múzea, Place Vendome, Opery a sofistikované, ale bohémskej štvrti Saint-Honore. LSI Paris ponúka rôzne skupinové i individuálne vzdelávacie programy. Študentom je k dispozícii počítačové zariadenie, spoločenská miestnosť, denná tlač a časopisy. Škola je ľahko dostupná metrom a blízkosť stanice Tuileries Concorde, Opera a Pyramide. Študenti tiež nájdu rad neďalekých obchodov a kaviarní, kde môžu študovať a precvičovať svoje jazykové schopnosti.
Set in the heart of a 40-hectare park, our course centre offers international students an ideal setting for learning French or English, participating in immersive activities and making friends from around the world. The campus provides a safe, fun and relaxing atmosphere in a natural surrounding while being only a short train ride away from Paris. As one of the most visited cities in the world and the cultural centre of the country, participants get the opportunity after classes to visit its famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the Notre-Dame Cathedral, Versailles Palace and more. They will stroll through some of the most picturesque neighbourhoods, like Montmartre, the Marais and the Latin quarter, explore the Louvre, Orsay and other famous museums, go shopping on Champs Élysées and get a taste of the famous French cuisine all the while practicing French or English. This experience will help expand their horizons and make that summer unforgettable. Our summer camp is set on a lush green campus, only 45 minutes away from the city centre. The classrooms are furnished with modern equipment offering teachers the possibility to implement a variety of innovative and personalised teaching methods for the students. Participants are accommodated in individual bedrooms with shared bathrooms. The campus also features sports grounds and several common areas perfect for our students to relax in after a busy and exciting day out and about in the city centre.
Learn French & live in your private teacher's home around Paris with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) offers immersive language courses in 20+ languages across 30+ countries. With HLI’s unique approach, students live and learn in their teacher’s home, combining personalized one-on-one lessons with full daily language immersion. Throughout your stay, you’ll practice the language naturally—in conversations during meals, social activities, and everyday interactions. This continuous exposure accelerates progress and builds confidence in real-world communication. Enhance Your Home Tuition Programme (supplements apply): Activities: Practice your language skills through engaging activities like cooking, shopping, bowling, and sightseeing with your host. Includes transport, entrance fees, and activity costs. Cultural Visits: Explore museums and landmarks with your host as your private guide, immersing yourself in the language and culture. Includes transport and entrance fees. Sports: Enjoy three weekly sessions (unless specified otherwise) with professional instructors or family members. Includes transport, sessions, and equipment rental. Leisure: Experience local attractions, theme parks, or traditions with guided excursions. Includes entrance fees and supervised trips. Personalise Your Programme (supplements apply): Business & Specialised Courses: Improve language skills for work, including meetings, negotiations, presentations, and industry-specific vocabulary (medicine, law, marketing, etc.). Exam Preparation: Tailored courses for tests like TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge, and more. Gain confidence through structured practice, past exams, and targeted feedback. Seasonal & Online Options (supplements apply): Christmas & New Year: Celebrate with traditional festivities and seasonal activities. A supplement applies for courses covering Dec 24-26 and/or Dec 31-Jan 1.
Hotel ACCORD, ktorý bol založený v roku 1988, sa nachádza v centre Paríža, na slávnych bulvároch Grands Boulevards, len pár minút od Louvru, opery Garnier a Beaubourg. ACCORD je súkromný vysokoškolský inštitút registrovaný na Rector de Paris a pod Konvenciou parížskych univerzít. Spoločnosť ACCORD je členom profesijných organizácií Campus France a SOUFFLE, je uznávaná spoločnosťou Bildungsurlaub v Nemecku a odsúhlasená CSN vo Švédsku. Hlavná škola je na bulvároch Grands Boulevards, ktorá je otvorená po celý rok, ponúka 20 učební, VIP zónu s učebňami a pohodlnou kaviareň s počítačmi a voľný prístup k internetu. Bezplatné a neobmedzené bezdrôtové pripojenie je vo všetkých školách. V júli a auguste sú k dispozícii kurzy na letnej škole Saint-Nicolas v južnej Paríži. Kurzy pre dospelých (pre +16 rokov) sú otvorené po celý rok pre všetky úrovne, od začiatočníkov až po pokročilých a jazykové vzdelávanie v kurze Business French v malých skupinách je zaručené na všetkých úrovniach, aj keď je na jednom stupni francúzštiny iba jeden študent. Každý piatok ráno sú naši študenti testovaní počas prvej hodiny lekcie, aby sme im mohli vysvetliť aký pokrok počas týždňa urobili. Pripravili sme tiež novú francúzsku skúšku, ktorú ponúkame na doplnenie kurzu. Na konci kurzu bude študent, ktorý túto skúšku absolvuje, pridelený na úroveň francúzštiny, ktorú dosiahol po štúdiu na ACCORD Paris. Študent, ktorý túto skúšku absolvuje, bude mať oficiálny diplom "Diplôme de Langue et Culture Françaises". Tento diplom je uznaný Rector de Paris (Vzdelávacie rada Paríža).
You will find Bayswater Paris in the heart of the city, between the Latin Quarter and Saint-Germain des Prés. From here, you’ll be able to practise and improve your French, while taking full advantage of the city of lights. Wander the bohemian streets of Montmartre, browse the boutiques of the Marais and go shopping on the Champs Elysées. Take a river cruise along the Seine before taking in the sunset from the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Predstavte si sami seba na vrchole Eiffelovej veže alebo objavte mesto z mosta rieky. Posaďte sa k 3D projekci, ktorá je dokonca lepšia ako skutočná vec v Múzeu vedy, postavte sa vedľa voskové sochy Zinadine Zidane, prejdite sa po živých malých uliciach Quartier Latin, aplaudujte pouličným umelcom na Beaubourg alebo obdivujte nádhera paláca Versailles a povedzte si, že nie ste vo sne. Naše destinácie Paríž-Igny vám sľubuje to všetko a oveľa viac. Očarujúce mestečko na juhozápade parížskeho páse, prezývané záhradné mesto, Igny je oázou čerstvého vzduchu a zelene, len 25 minút od centra hlavného mesta RER (vlakom). Táto výhodná poloha nám umožňuje ponúkať mimoriadnu destinácií ako Paríž v plnej bezpečnosti a kombinovať jazykové kurzy, športové vyžitie a ubytovanie vo veľkolepom prostredí, kde objavíte všetky zázraky mesta.
IS-DBA is a young, modern French language school and business school that aims to help its students succeed. We offer French language courses and workshops based on an innovative pedagogy to adults coming to Paris as a student or for a professional experience. The team is made up of enthusiastic and experienced teachers who are native speakers of French language. They ensure that the specific needs of each student are met. The teaching goes beyond the classroom by providing a space for dialogue and cultural exchange. In the school, the atmosphere is friendly and the courses are intensive so that you can progress as quickly as possible in French. We offer : - general French courses in small groups (from A1 to C1 level) - DELF/DALF preparation workshops, phonetics and oral production - specific workshops (grammar, french culture) - cultural outings (visits to museums, gardens and monuments in Paris) - one-to-one classes (once in a week per student) We have at our disposal : - spacious, bright rooms with a view of the Eiffel Tower - interactive screens for more dynamic and varied teaching - a library area with FLE textbooks, novels, magazines and newspapers - WIFI, a coffee machine and a water dispenser (free services) - eating area, microwave
The host are located in Paris and surrounding areas.
FL Paris sú to 2 adresy, ktoré lepšie vyhovujú vašim očakávaniam: FL Paris Notre-Dame alebo „Le Campus“: škola v univerzitnej atmosfére, ktorá sa nachádza v samom srdci Latinskej štvrti a oproti katedrále Notre-Dame, len pár krokov od Panteónu «l'Ile de la Cité». a univerzitná štvrť. Náš tím sa nachádza v historickej budove hneď vedľa typicky parížskeho parku a privíta vás na pozoruhodnom mieste pre dôkladný pobyt „à la française“… FL Paris Victor Hugo alebo „Le Club parisien“: živá a živá škola, len pár minút chôdze od Arc de Triomphe a Champs-Elysées. Škola v blízkosti Place Victor Hugo sa nachádza v krásnom mestskom dome na 3 poschodiach a má súkromnú záhradu. Céline a jej tím sú pripravení privítať mladých študentov z celého sveta. Atmosféra je vždy priateľská a živá!
FTC Paris: Your gateway to French! | The new parisian school created by two teachers Learning French is a key that unlocks a world of possibilities. Whether your aspirations are personal, professional or academic, our immersive method guides you towards mastery of the language. Our Educational Philosophy: > Daily life: Master everyday French and engage in Parisian life with ease. > Art of Debating: Sharpen your critical thinking skills and prepare for the DELF exam by exploring the major debates in French society. > Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in French art and history to enrich your experience in France. Pedagogical Excellence > Learning Strategies: Our experts reveal the secrets of effective French language learning. > Cognitive Psychology: Understand how your brain works to optimize your language acquisition. > Linguistic Autonomy: Gain confidence and independence in your French expression. Together, we'll make your language training a success story!
With 20 years of experience in teaching French, ILCI-FLE has become a major player adults school in French as a foreign language in the 13th district o fthe most beautiful city in the world. We consider our mission essential, which is why our teachers are among the most experienced. In addition, our classrooms are equipped with high-performance material that allows for on-site and online courses. In addition, a Wi-Fi network is available throughout the school as well as a study room equipped with computers to access additional resources and a learner's library. We are proud to welcome more than 30 nationalities in our classrooms and online, every day and all year round. The school is located in Paris, about 100 meters from the Maison Blanche Metro station (Line 7), the Tage Campus. Our school is accessible to students with disabilities. We provide free French test and free trial before enrollment. Our student service team is fully capable to speak English, French, Korean, Japanese and Chinese.
Francúzsky, ako sa vám páči, sa nachádza v centre Paríža, pár krokov od námestia Place des Vosges a Bastille. Vďaka vynikajúcej polohe školy a širokej škále kurzov je ideálne miesto na štúdium francúzštiny: študenti si môžu vybrať zo všeobecných kurzov francúzštiny, kurzov pre výkonných pracovníkov alebo kurzov pre rodiny a deti a môžu sa rozhodnúť medzi niekoľkými hodinami týždenne až päťdesiatimi hodinami týždenne. , Francúzština, ako sa vám páči Má zariadenia, ktoré zahŕňajú triedu s bezplatným prístupom na internet a materiály pre samoštúdium, knižnicu a spoločenskú miestnosť. Škola ponúka mesačný kalendár spoločenských a voľnočasových aktivít, ktorý pozýva študentov, aby si precvičovali svoje znalosti anglického jazyka pri návšteve populárnych bodov záujmu v okolí mesta.
A communicative pedagogy adapted to the needs of the students. Thanks to the numerous partnerships with prestigious universities (Management, Commerce, Luxury, Fashion, Gastronomy, Oenology etc...), ALIP school has set up exclusive course programs in French and English, meeting the specific needs of students. Its team of qualified teachers develops a methodology based on : Progress designed to effectively improve French language skills Unique professional, linguistic and cultural contents, adapted to students' objectives Many cultural activities inside and outside the school to be open to cultural diversity respectful of all. Thanks to its modules in small groups, its original project classes, its varied thematic workshops and its numerous cultural activities, ALIP guarantees a successful immersion! Varied and innovative programs. At the heart of ALIP's language training is the students' project. Thus ALIP offers programs in: Business French (the world of work, sectors of activity, marketing, communication, accounting, commerce etc...) Methodological French (academic homework, studying and working in France, written and oral expression techniques, etc.) French for culture and cultural management, French for gastronomy, French for fashion, French for everyday life, English for management, Marketing English, Business English, English for everyday use...
Located in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, CEBP has been offering French language courses to foreign students from all over the world since 2012. Our professional and experienced teachers strive to provide numerous teaching activities that enrich our students’ French language knowledge and familiarity. CEBP provides a wide range of classes and structured programs, divided into 14 levels to ensure that each student can obtain a personalized education. Our programs are part of the European structure of references for the French Language. - Absolute Beginner A1.1 (No previous knowledge required) - A1.2 Beginner - A2.1 / A2.2 Elementary - B1.1 / B1.2 Intermediate - B2.1 / B2.2 Advanced - C1 Autonomous We use the textbooks of EDITO for all these levels. And we finish one textbook (corresponding to one level) in 12 weeks (3 months). In terms of standard study periods at our school: A 14 week study period is a saison. A 7 week study period is a session. And therefore 2 sessions amount to 1 saison. Moreover we also offer focused, reinforcement courses: - Preparation for DELF B2 and DALF C1 exams. - Pronunciation course - Reinforcement courses for levels A1, A2 and B1 students (Grammar, Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking) - In summer, we also have a preparation course for students starting university in the fall. - We hold a curated cultural activity or a school excursion every month. We cannot apply for visas on behalf of students. However, CEBP can supply you with all the documentation you need to support for your visa application.The letter of acceptance will be sent to your home address. Students can apply and prolong their student Visa with our assistance, and we can also supply the legal “convention de stage,” if students study in our intensive course (20 hours per week) for a minimum of 12 weeks (3 months.) Starting dates Students with a level above A1.2 can join our classes every Monday of the school year, and they can attend our classes for a minimum period of only one week. Absolute beginners (A1.1): Only students who have never studied French before can join this class, starting on specific dates (once a month).
Zaregistroval som sa len na 5 týždňov a rád by som pokračoval. Triedy sú dostatočne malé na to, aby boli výzvou a zapojili každého, kto sa zaujíma o zlepšenie svojej francúzštiny. Študenti, ktorých som stretol, boli z Kórey, Číny, Južnej Ameriky,... more
Dôkladne som si užil zážitok a len si želám, aby som mohol zostať dlhšie, ale vrátim sa! more
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, v Paríži je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy francúzštiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.