YOUSA sa nachádza v blízkosti Orlando a je jednou z najobľúbenejších škôl v USA. Táto škola sa špecializuje na učenie !of Angličtina pre medzinárodných študentov ako ste vy. Ich veľkosť triedy je tiež veľmi malá v porovnaní s inými školami. Oni tiež majú veľmi priateľských učiteľov a zamestnancov, ktorí sa o vás dobre postarajú, kým budete v Orlande.
Rok otvorenia
Počet tried
Technické vybavenie
Štúdium priestoru
TV miestnosť
Bezbariérový prístup
Internet zadarmo
Jedálenským kútom
Výlety za kultúrou
Spoločenské aktivity
Kvalifikácie učiteľov
Ľudia, pre ktorých je !of Angličtina materinským jazykom
viac ako 50%
Učitelia s certifikátmi na výučbu !of Angličtina
viac ako 50%
Učitelia s vysokoškolskými diplomami
viac ako 50%
Mix národností a veku
Mix národností a veku v !school je rôzny v rôznych časových obdobiach, kurzoch a úrovniach. Počas roka je priemerný vek 30. V lete je priemerný vek 30.
Školské prázdniny
V YOUSA sa nevyučuje počas sviatkov v nižšie uvedených dátumoch. Škola nenahrádza vyučovanie, ktoré pripadne na tieto sviatky, tak sa uistite, že ste to zohľadnili pri výbere termínu vášho začiatku.
otvorené dátumy
Školské prázdniny
Umiestnenie školy
(Translated by Google Translate)
Study in the Best Language School in Orlando and have the opportunity to explore and visit Natural Parks, the most beautiful beaches in US and all the fun and excitement Disney Parks and Universal Studios can offer! Meet Students from all over the world and live the experience of different cultures. Students in Florida can learn English and have lots of fun!
Čítajte viac...
Aktivity poskytované v YOUSA Learning Institute1/10
Vstup do YOUSA Learning Institute2/10
Aktivity poskytované v YOUSA Learning Institute3/10
Študenti YOUSA Learning Institute4/10
Učitelia a personál YOUSA Learning Institute5/10
Študenti YOUSA Learning Institute6/10
Učebňa v YOUSA Learning Institute7/10
Učebňa v YOUSA Learning Institute8/10
Vstup do YOUSA Learning Institute9/10
Študenti YOUSA Learning Institute10/10
Pomoc pri vízach
My nemôžeme žiadať o víza v zastúpení študentov. Avšak škola vám môže dodať všetky podklady, ktoré potrebujete priložiť k vašej žiadosti o víza.
Ak študujete na plný úväzok v USA viac ako 18 hodín do týždňa, dostanete formulár I-20, ktorý treba odovzdať veľvyslanectvu USA spolu s vašou žiadosťou o F-1 študentské víza. I-20 má na sebe SEVIS sledovacie číslo. Študenti, ktorý chcú požiadadť o študentské vízum, musia predtým ako pôjdu kvôli vízovému pohovoru na veľvyslanectvo alebo konzulát USA zaplatiť SEVIS poplatok online.
Váš I-20 vám bude zaslaný bezplatne obyčajnou poštou na vašu domácu adresu.
Prosím, všimnite si, že zákon Spojených štátov nariaďuje, že I-20 môže byť vydaný iba študentom, ktorí zamýšľajú pokračovať v štúdiách anglického jazyka na plný úväzok. Zákon Spojených štátov nedovoľuje študentom študovať na čiastočný úväzok s F-1 študentskými vízami. Ak študujete menej ako 18 hodín do týždňa musíte vy sami požiadať o návštevnícke víza Visitor Visa (B1/B2).
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Orlando based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Cestovné poistenie
Študujte v zahraničí bez starostí so zdravotným poistením a poistením osobného hnuteľného majetku od Language International. Keď si s nami rezervujete kurz, môžete si vybrať zakúpenie medzinárodného plánu poistenia, ktorý pokrýva nielen vaše výdavky na zdravotnú starostlivosť, ale tiež váš osobný majetok. Poistku si musíte zarezervovať dopredu pri registrácii.
12200 Menta St. Ste 109/110 Orlando FL 32837 United States
Umiestnenie školy
(Translated by Google Translate)
Study in the Best Language School in Orlando and have the opportunity to explore and visit Natural Parks, the most beautiful beaches in US and all the fun and excitement Disney Parks and Universal Studios can offer! Meet Students from all over the world and live the experience of different cultures. Students in Florida can learn English and have lots of fun!
Otázky a odpovede
Máte otázky? Získajte odpovede od personálu a predchádzajúcich študentov zariadenia YOUSA Learning Institute.
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Me interesa el curso de ingles intensivo"
Ludy Smith,
študent z USA
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Me interesa el curso de ingles intensivo"
Ludy Smith,
študent z USA
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Please how do I apply"
Abdul Samiu Ustarz,
študent z Ghana
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Bom dia!
Gostaria de informações referente ao curso de inglês para iniciantes, que se enquadre no F1, quais documentos necessários, horários e valores. Obrigada, aguardo retorno!"
Larissa Primo,
študent z USA
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
Fabio Ricardo,
študent z USA
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Hello, my name is Victoria, and I would like to know if there is an English school for one month"
Vitoria Silva,
študent z Brazília
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Olá gostaria de saber mais sobre o curso intensivo de ingles"
Douglas ulmer Ulmer,
študent z Brazília
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Bom dia, tudo bem?
Meu nome é Ana Carolina. Gostaria de saber sobre os cursos de inglês que emitem F1. Seria para mim. Período da manhã. Gostaria de cotar para 4 meses e 6 meses, iniciando em março 2024"
Ana Frederico,
študent z Brazília
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Hello, my name is Carlo and i'm searching for a school to study english, i'm currently living in Orlando with my family and i would like to know about the fees and price to change status from tourist to student. Thanks in advance"
Carlo Lainer,
študent z USA
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"I would like to know about course of intensive english. I`m going to orlando of vocations."
Maria Angelica da Ferreira,
študent z Brazília
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Im international student, In stady in other school and I request information for to do a transfer, prices etc, thank you"
Celmira Nino,
študent z USA
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"I would like to know about intensive language course. I want to study for three months. I'm on vacation."
Maria Angelica da Ferreira,
študent z Brazília
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Boa noite.
Ao conversar com a Lorena, obtive os seguintes valores:
Super Intensivo de 6 meses.
$440 / mês
Matrícula: $65
Livros: $90,53 a cada 4 meses
4 aulas / semanais
4h30min / aula
Total: 18hrs / semana
Início: 6PM as 10:30PM
Com a opção de pagamento a vista com 5% de desconto. ($2508,00)
Poderiam por gentileza formalizar a proposta em Inglês, pois estou negociando com a empresa onde trabalho para que possam pagar o curso.
Apenas para informação, sou residente permanente (Green Card)."
Marcos Silva,
študent z USA
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Vocês ainda tem aula on-line? Faço curso na Havest porém preciso trocar meu horário para o período diurno e lá não tem turma para mim…gostaria de saber como funciona e quais os valores"
Georgia Goncalves,
študent z USA
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Gostaria demais informações"
karol Amaral,
študent z Portugalsko
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Buen día, quisiera averiguar un curso"
Camila Andrea Pico Meneses,
študent z Kolumbia
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Buen día , deseo estudiar inglés en Orlando quiero saber cómo es el proceso,cuáles son los costos y qué necesito para realizar mis estudios muchas gracias"
Gabriela Alvarenga,
študent z Venezuela
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055
Bolo to užitočné? ÁnoThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Hola buenos días, deseo hacer estudios de Inglés en Orlando ,quiero saber cómo sería el proceso y el precio de los cursos y qué necesito, muchas gracias estoy atenta a su respuesta"
Gabriela Alvarenga,
študent z Venezuela
Kamila Zupo,
YOUSA Learning Institute school representative (Student Services)
Please reach out to our Admissions department at +1 (689) 270-7055