Our school was founded in 2004 and initially operated in Europe. Since 2020, it has been operating in Orlando, Florida. The English Language Academy has been recognized as one of the best language schools in Orlando for two consecutive years, 2023 and 2024. Our school is one of the most recommended institutions because we focus on developing conversational skills. Our mission is to help international and local students succeed in their academic and professional goals. By offering specialized programs, we help students improve their English language skills and become successful. Our faculty and staff are well-trained and highly motivated, ready to help students gain confidence and achieve their goals. Our programs are designed to improve students' conversation and comprehension skills, helping them feel comfortable communicating with native English speakers. Our motto is: “With us, you will start speaking English.”
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Orlando with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in USA. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Orlando. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in USA have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Orlando, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Program Language On English Unlimited je akreditovaný CEA (Komisiou pre akreditáciu programu anglického jazyka), ktorú ministerstvo školstva Spojených štátov uznáva za akreditáciu programov a inštitúcií v anglickom jazyku. DOSTUPNÉ ÚROVNE Úroveň 1 (A1 Štartér / Začiatočník) Level 2 (A2 Pokročilý začiatočník) Úroveň 3 (B1 stredne pokročilý) Úroveň 4 (B1 + stredne pokročilý) Level 5 (B2 Vyšší stredne pokročilý) Úroveň 6 (C1 Pokročilý) Pokročilý TOEFL (C2 Pokročilý) Kurz angličtiny na podpis je anglický neobmedzený program, všestranný intenzívny jazykový kurz navrhnutý tak, aby vyhovoval potrebám rôznorodej skupiny študentov angličtiny. Študenti z celého sveta dosiahli týmto angažovaným programom angličtiny plynulosť anglického jazyka, ktorý ponúka hodiny angličtiny v intenzívnom aj polointenzívnom formáte s výhodnými možnosťami plánovania (triedy sú k dispozícii ráno a popoludní). Kurz Angličtiny neobmedzený Language On je vynikajúcou voľbou pre zahraničných študentov so začiatočníckou, strednou a pokročilou znalosťou angličtiny, ktorí potrebujú získať jazykové znalosti reálneho sveta pre osobný, akademický a profesionálny úspech v dnešnom vysoko globalizovanom svete. Program ESL (angličtina ako druhý jazyk) so 6 úrovňami Voliteľný zdokonalený modul TOEFL iBT po dokončení úrovne 6 Každá úroveň obsahuje 13 týždňov výučby Lekcie pre začínajúcich, stredne pokročilých a pokročilých študentov Celý program je možné dokončiť za 91 týždňov Lekcie angličtiny ráno a popoludní Študenti z celého sveta Intenzívne a polointenzívne kurzy angličtiny Program všeobecnej angličtiny angličtina neobmedzene prijíma integrovaný prístup k zručnostiam, ktorý dáva študentom šancu rozvíjať svoje schopnosti hovoriť, počúvať, čítať a písať v angličtine počas každej hodiny. Pred začatím programu absolvujú všetci študenti komplexný test zaradenia, aby určili, ktorá počiatočná úroveň je najvhodnejšia pre ich vzdelávacie potreby. Po úspešnom absolvovaní jednej alebo viacerých úrovní sa študentom udeľuje úradné osvedčenie o ukončení ako dôkaz o dosiahnutom vzdelaní v anglickom jazyku. Plne akreditovaný program intenzívnej angličtiny Vylepšite si svoje zručnosti hovorenia, počúvania, čítania a písania angličtiny v každej triede Úspešní študenti získajú úradné osvedčenie o ukončení
Liberty Language Academy is an education institution which offers high quality courses, helping students conquer their objectives. We believe that it is through continuous education that the human being can be empowered to be free and best direct his/her life and career. Education frees, empowers and strengthens humans, transforming them from animals to intelligent beings. Managed by one of the partners, Bernard Vasconcelos, Master in Higher and Professional Education at the University of London, Liberty Institute offers English courses as well as other courses like Portuguese, exam preps, mentoring and much more. The methodology consists in focusing on developing fluency through practice, using the communicative approach.
• Naša škola má vysoko kvalifikovaný tím učiteľov, ktorí sú plne vyškolení a certifikovaní. • Ponúkame multikultúrne prostredie, ktoré zabezpečuje, aby si študenti užívali angličtinu tým najzaujímavejším a najrôznejším spôsobom. • Naši klienti si môžu zvoliť rôzne programy podľa dĺžky, intenzity, úrovne záujmu a konkrétnych potrieb. • Školenia v malých skupinách a súkromných triedach zlepšujú špecifické vzdelávacie ciele študentov. • Naša škola sa nachádza na jednej z najpopulárnejších ulíc South Beach - Lincoln Road! • JUST.Go - CEA úspešne akreditovala jazyky.
The host are located in Orlando and surrounding areas.
Founded in 2018 by academic professionals with more than 30 years of experience in English teaching, YOUSA Institute has become one of the most recommended English Learning Institutes in Orlando for international students and visitors who want to focus their learning on integrated skills with an emphasis in communication. Our Mission is to provide high quality teaching to our students by providing an unique learning experience helping them to achieve their linguistic goals in personal, professional or academic areas. Our Vision is to be a model of excellence in educating international students to become a citizen of the world and be the best reference for their overall development.
Founded in 2018 by academic professionals with more than 30 years of experience in English teaching, YOUSA Institute has become one of the most recommended English Learning Institutes in Orlando for international students and visitors who want to focus their learning on integrated skills with an emphasis in communication. Our Mission is to provide high quality teaching to our students by providing an unique learning experience helping them to achieve their linguistic goals in personal, professional or academic areas. Our Vision is to be a model of excellence in educating international students to become a citizen of the world and be the best reference for their overall development.
Founded in 2018 by academic professionals with more than 30 years of experience in English teaching, YOUSA Institute has become one of the most recommended English Learning Institutes in Orlando for international students and visitors who want to focus their learning on integrated skills with an emphasis in communication. Our Mission is to provide high quality teaching to our students by providing an unique learning experience helping them to achieve their linguistic goals in personal, professional or academic areas. Our Vision is to be a model of excellence in educating international students to become a citizen of the world and be the best reference for their overall development.
KEF USA offers a remarkable opportunity that seamlessly merges two coveted experiences into one unforgettable English educational journey. Our program, nestled in the heart of Orlando, FL, uniquely combines the excellence of ESL education through our esteemed partnership with an institution accredited by the prestigious CEA— and our 'around the clock' teachers, with the unparalleled magic of exploring Orlando's iconic attractions. From the enchantment of Disney World to the awe-inspiring wonders of the Kennedy Space Center, our students not only immerse themselves in language learning but also embark on adventures that ignite curiosity and foster cultural understanding. This synergy of academic rigor and unparalleled thrilling experiences creates a one-of-a-kind learning environment that sets our program apart.
Kurzy sú veľmi interaktívne a vašu angličtinu môžem veľa vylepšiť. more
Moja najlepšia skúsenosť s učením sa angličtiny bola v inej krajine. Škola mi dala inšpiráciu a potrebnú podporu v oblasti jazyka a kultúry. Teraz mi tento najlepší učiteľ, akého som mal, ukázal, kde musím študovať. Nežmurkaj!!!!!!!!!! LEN JAZYKY... more
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, v Orlande je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy angličtiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.