Ghee is located in a neighborhood called Zona T. The Zona T is located in the heart of Bogotá, known as one of the city's most vibrant hotspots. This area, situated in the exclusive Chapinero neighborhood, stands out for its pedestrian-friendly design in the shape of a "T," connecting elegant cobblestone streets surrounded by a wide variety of options. The school's excellent location and its wide variety of courses make it an ideal location to study Spanish: students can choose from regular Spanish courses, Intensive courses, executive courses, or a language Travel and can decide between just a few lessons per week to twenty-two lessons per week. Glhee has facilities that include a common area with Coffee, Water, and beer unlimited, with free internet access and self-study materials, a student lounge, and excellent classrooms. The school offers a weekly social and leisure calendar to invite to practice their Spanish skills while visiting popular points of interest in and around the city.
Španielska škola sa nachádza v jednej z najtradičnejších štvrtí Bogoty, Chapinero Alto, ktorá zostáva nedotknutá. Rodiny stále prevádzkujú malé supermarkety a obchody na rohu, zatiaľ čo mladí miestni obyvatelia otvárajú nové hotspoty. je to veľmi moderná a krásna časť Bogoty. Nachádza sa v blízkosti turistických, kultúrnych a obchodných oblastí, ubytovania v rodine, prenájmu hotelov a apartmánov, rekreačných zariadení, parkov a mnohých obchodov a reštaurácií. Najväčšie parky (Národný park a Simon Bolivar Park) v Bgote sú od školy vzdialené 15 minút a existuje veľa príležitostí na športovanie. tiež každú nedeľu si môžete užiť „Ciclovia“: kilometre hlavných ciest, ktoré sú uzavreté pre autá po celom meste a ktoré používajú cyklistickí jazdci a ľudia, ktorí milujú jogging alebo prechádzky so psami. Španielska škola je tiež ľahko dostupná autobusmi z ktorejkoľvek časti mesta a len 30 minút od medzinárodného letiska a autobusového terminálu.
Located in a modern, 5-story office building. the school has 4 spacious classrooms, a computer lab (mostly used for international exams such as IELTS) a large roof terrace where students can relax, and free internet access. We offer Intensive Spanish courses, which consist of 4 hours’ tuition per day, from 9:00 to 13:00, Monday to Friday, with a 20-minute break. The maximum number of students per class is 8. The average is more like 3-4. Students can start any Monday of the year (except public holidays) irrespective of their level. Students can also take additional classes such as Latin dancing, or Cooking courses. We also offer online Spanish courses (with tutor support) as well as private Spanish classes that are tailored for the needs and interests of each student.
Nueva Lengua is an internationally known Spanish school with alumni from across the globe. Our schools are located in amazing places with historical relevance. Our programs are structured to provide ample opportunities to enjoy the culture and spirit of the city you choose. We will put your mind at ease with assistance in finding suitable accommodation, transfers to the airport, insurance, and more. All of this helps to ensure you will have an unforgettable experience. We offer Spanish courses for students, professionals and families; as well as specialized Spanish courses (in business, medicine, etc). All of our teachers are required to have accredited degrees in teaching, which includes at minimum 5 years of study, in addition to previous experience in the classroom. If you are enthusiastic about experiencing Latin America while learning Spanish, we encourage you to take a course at any of our schools. You could even take courses at all of them to truly experience our diversity. Prices are competitive and there are special discounts by booking in advance or studying longer than one month. Once you take the first step towards your adventure, Nueva Lengua is right behind you with the best learning environment, resources, and knowledge. We look forward to meeting you!
Som veľmi vďačný za moju skúsenosť s GLEE. Prišiel som do Kolumbie bez znalosti španielčiny a mám dva týždne ich intenzívneho programu (20 hodín/týždeň). Určite viem základy a moje porozumenie je 100x lepšie. Na tomto programe sa mi páčilo toľko... more
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, v Bogote je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy španielčiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.