Krásne mesto Merida sa nachádza v severozápadnej časti polostrova Yucatán v juhovýchodnom Mexiku. Založil ju v roku 1542 Francisco de Montejo a bol postavený na mayskom meste T'ho, ktoré bolo po stáročia centrom mayskej kultúry a činnosti. V súčasnej dobe je Merida - tiež známa ako „biele mesto“ - jedným z najpokojnejších a najbezpečnejších miest v Mexiku. Naša španielska škola je strategicky situovaná severovýchodne od historického centra v susedstve Itzimna, jednej z najkrajších koloniálnych štvrtí Méridy. Je to tiché a bezpečné miesto, v blízkosti centra mesta av pešej vzdialenosti od najdôležitejších miest mesta (Paseo de Montejo a Circuito Colonias), ktoré nielen zaisťujú rýchly a rýchly prístup do všetkých častí mesta, ale aj ponúkajú širokú škálu rekreačných a komerčných miest, vrátane parkov, kaviarní, reštaurácií, obchodov a bánk. Samotná budova školy je typickým meridiánskym mestským domom, ktorý si zachováva veľkú časť kúzla a intimity rodinného domu. Naše zariadenie sa skladá z 5 svetlých a priestranných interiérových učební, všetkých plne vybavených a klimatizovaných, 1 vonkajšej triedy na našom tropickom nádvorí, kaviarne s počítačovým kútikom, bazéna a terasy, kde môžu študenti relaxovať počas prestávok medzi španielskymi hodinami. Všetky naše kurzy sú navrhnuté tak, aby pomohli študentom zdokonaliť sa v španielčine so zameraním na zručnosti čítania, písania, počúvania a rozprávania. Pretože sme presvedčení, že komunikácia je kľúčovým a hlavným dôvodom výučby jazykov, naši vysoko skúsení a profesionálni učitelia sa zameriavajú na praktickú komunikáciu s využitím inovatívnych metodík a technológií, ako aj zmysluplných materiálov týkajúcich sa skutočných situácií. Okrem toho pravidelne organizujeme exkurzie so sprievodcom učiteľom, aby sme povzbudili našich študentov, aby hovorili a porozumeli španielčine v rôznych prostrediach. Ubytovanie je neodmysliteľnou súčasťou pobytu študentov u nás. Nielenže dopĺňa učebné skúsenosti študentov, ale ovplyvňuje aj schopnosť študentov študovať a zdokonaľovať španielsky jazyk. Vieme, že naši študenti majú rôzne preferencie ubytovania, a preto poskytujú celý rad rôznych možností ubytovania. S veľkým počtom vybraných hostiteľských rodín, rôznymi apartmánmi s vlastným stravovaním, ako aj dobrým výberom hotelov, penziónov a ubytovní, ktoré sú v dochádzkové vzdialenosti od našich škôl, ponúkame výber možností ubytovania pre všetky druhy potrieb.
LA CALLE is a spanish language school for adult foreigners located in a cozy and colorful colonial house in the historic center of Mérida, cultural capital of Yucatan, Mexico. THE TEACHING METHOD: Our method is communicative and we prepare programs adapted to the level, strengths, weaknesses and objectives of the students. The aim is to help you to be able to communicate in any situation of everyday life and be able to express any kind of opinion or idea. We only work with adults, with small groups, the classes are only in Spanish and we provide all the material. We also use written exercises and homework, but all of them are to improve expression and oral comprehension. 90% of the time the students are doing different kind of exercises to practice in the oral way what the are learning. THE TEACHERS AND THE MATERIAL: All our teachers are spanish native speakers with a university degree and a training on teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. They are passionate about teaching the communicative method. Teachers work together creating material to stimulate student participation in class. For this, they rely on authentic material such as audios, videos, games, articles and extracts, as well as multiple exercises to apply to the oral what is being learned. You will not use a book because teachers like to tailor their course to each group LEVELS: We use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. We teach all levels, from beginners and A1, to very advanced (C1). All students take a written and oral test to put them in the correct group. We do not mix the levels in a single group. THE COURSES: We offer intensive courses, private lessons, semi-intensive courses, DELE test preparation and online classes. THE PLACE: The space was conceived to have a relaxed atmosphere for learning with 5 spacious and colorful classrooms, a small restaurant, an open terrace and a tropical garden with a large pool for cool off before or after classes. There is Wi-Fi all over the school. THE RESTAURANT: We offer breakfast and lunch with vegetarian and vegan options. The food is prepared in the moment with fresh ingredients of the day. THE GARDEN Merida is a tropical city that only has spring and summer. To enjoy this climate we have a tropical garden where you can spend time after class. We also have an open terrace to study or enjoy a drink or a plate from the cafeteria. At night, our terrace becomes a cinema. EXTRA ACTIVITIES: The school offers a monthly social and leisure calendar to invite students to practice their Spanish skills while participating in afternoon activities at school or visiting popular points of interest in and around the city. Some of this activities are: Cooking lessons at school Cinema at school Encounters City tours Daily tours around Merida And much more THE CITY: Mérida is the gateway to the Yucatan Peninsula, where you can discover Mayan culture, its archaeological sites and its natural beauties such as cenotes, Caribbean beaches and the jungle. Merida, a city with centuries of colonial history and architecture, is a mix of Mayan-Mexican traditions and contemporary culture. It is a city for both families and retired people, as well as for young people looking for adventure and parties.
Founded in 1995, the Institute of Modern Spanish was the first private language institute (Spanish school) in the city of Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico, to develop educational programs devoted to the instruction of the Spanish language and Mexican & Latin American culture through full Spanish language immersion. Located in the State of Yucatan, the Institute of Modern Spanish, is a Mexican culture and Spanish school that provides the students with the opportunity to learn Spanish in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico which is considered one of the most beautiful and culturally enriched cites in all of Mexico and Latin America. VISIT US ON FACEBOOK! Instituto de Español Moderno and Institute of Modern Spanish Our Spanish school is based on a new concept of language learning called Integrated Spanish Language Learning. Our programs integrate Spanish immersion language classes with a unique Mexico cultural experience with family homestay (Merida, Yucatan, Mexico). By replacing memorization of Spanish language grammar rules with a total cultural experience, we enable our students to leave our programs with a knowledge of Spanish that is practical, culturally applicable, and long-lasting. Our programs explore the language as it is used in today's Spanish speaking communities around Latin America and throughout the world. Spanish immersion programs philosophy Our Spanish language school faculty are experienced in teaching all levels of students--from beginners to the most advanced. Our language immersion courses integrate all aspects of Spanish language learning--speaking, listening, reading, and writing. We feel that this is the best method of teaching the Spanish language as it is used in today's world. Furthermore, we use a variety of language teaching methods to ensure that all learning styles enrolled in our Spanish language school are met.
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, v Meride je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy španielčiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.