The school is run by a highly qualified team who are convinced that education is not only an essential part of success in the future but can change your life both now and in the future. At your disposal is a school where you can find everything you need; Classrooms, library and living room, Wi-Fi connection, and a team of professionals ensuring the language learning process to be satisfactory. We offer intensive Spanish courses of fifteen or twenty hours a week; from Monday to Friday in the mornings with the aim of learning the language in a pleasant and welcoming environment, providing our students with a program of studies adapted to their level. They will also have personalized tutorials to evaluate if the goals set for each student are achieved, and also an examination that will determine the level reached at the end of the course. Additionally, as with our courses we also offer a programme of cultural and leisure activities aimed at getting to know the city of Sevilla from different perspectives, serving as means to applying the linguistic resources learned in class. For this, the monitors will take care of these activities maintaining a good in-group dynamics, all in Spanish.
Clic International House Seville sa nachádza v samom centre mesta. Nachádza sa v blízkosti mestskej rady, obchodov na ulici Sierpes a katedrály. Táto skvelá poloha znamená, že budete vždy dostatočne blízko od všetkých hlavných atrakcií v Seville.
Náš tím sa skladá z kvalifikovaných učiteľov (s titulom španielskeho jazyka a literatúry), ktorí majú bohaté skúsenosti s výučbou španielčiny ako cudzieho jazyka a už dlho sme akreditovaní ako oficiálni skúšajúci DELE. Sme tím, ktorý pracuje desať rokov bok po boku a máme tiež profesionálne skúsenosti v iných oblastiach. To všetko nás viedlo k identifikácii skutočných potrieb našich študentov a teraz sme schopní pochopiť, čo skutočne funguje. Naše základy sú kvalita výučby, blízkosť a osobné zaobchádzanie. Z tohto dôvodu sme sa rozhodli vytvoriť náš vlastný dokonalý priestor pre výučbu španielskeho jazyka, príjemné miesto s priateľským pocitom, kde sa študenti môžu počas výučby cítiť v pohode. Celý tím je 100% zapojený do projektu Blablalab. Učitelia a administratívny tím sú Blablalab a my sami zodpovedáme za všetky aspekty vášho procesu učenia. Všetci sme zapojení do ponúkania personalizovaných služieb. Vaše úspechy sú našou spokojnosťou, a preto urobíme všetko pre to, aby ste uspeli!
Learn Spanish & live in your private teacher's home around Seville with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including Spanish lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Spain. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one Spanish lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Seville. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in Spanish. All of our teachers in Spain have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Seville, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Škola sa nachádza v nádhernej historickej budove v centre. Budova pochádza z roku 1919 a bola navrhnutá jedným z najznámejších architektov v Španielsku, Anibal Gonzálezom, tvorcom "Plaza de Espana", jednej z najvýznamnejších pamiatok Seville. S 12 veľmi priestrannými a klimatizovanými učebňami, rovnako ako strechou, kde si môžete oddýchnuť po lekciách španielčiny, opaľovať sa a vychutnáte si koncentrovanú chuť Španielska.
Škola Enforex Sevilla sa nachádza v štvrti Arenal, privilegovanej oblasti mesta, ktorá bola kedysi starou prístavnou oblasťou v jej rozkvete počas 16. a 17. storočia.
Description: Despite the warmth and familiarity in our school, we take our mission seriously and train students professionally. Our Native Spanish Teachers work on different areas of entrepreneurship as part of the students' training, so projects, presentations, reading clubs and virtual reality (VR) are part of their learning at school. Everything at the service of the students. We are aware that we are part of their educational community, that makes the team care every detail from their arrival working side by side with our network of agents worldwide. Best characterized by its authentic international atmosphere where local students learn English and foreign ones, Spanish. Saint Gabriel is an excellent place to make new friends. Very well connected with the old town of Seville. 15 minutes walking to the Cathedral. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Accommodation: Excellent Host Families and Residence Hall Full activity Program Weekly Cultural Events Weekly Excursions City Tours Airport Transfer Free Language Exchanges Pathway to University.
Taller Flamenco je škola Flamenco a španielčina založená v roku 1994 a nachádza sa v štvrti La Macarena, v tesnej blízkosti módnej a populárnej oblasti Alameda de Hercules v Seville. Taller Flamenco ponúka celý rad kurzov po celý rok a pokrýva celý rad úrovní od začiatočníkov až po pokročilých. Každý kurz bude obmedzený na 7 študentov v triede, vďaka čomu bude vzdelávací proces zárukou úspechu prostredníctvom osobnejšej výučby. Všetky naše kurzy sa konajú pravidelne od pondelka do piatku a školu zavierame iba tri dni počas celého roka. Každý učiteľ v Taller Flamenco je dostatočne kvalifikovaný a má dostatok skúseností na to, aby vyučoval Flamenco aj španielčinu ako cudzí jazyk. V rámci našich služieb sme hrdí na to, že vieme zabezpečiť rôzne druhy ubytovania, či už v spoločných domoch alebo súkromných apartmánoch, a to všetko v dochádzkové vzdialenosti od školy a centra mesta. _______________Menu kurzov Flamenco Dance Flamenco technika Flamenco gitara Compás & Palmas (sprievodný rytmus a rytmus) spev bicie nástroje španielsky Súkromné triedy (individuálne alebo súkromné skupiny, od jednodňového kurzu) Špeciálne kurzy po celý rok (kombinácia kurzov ako špeciálne ponuky v konkrétnych termínoch roka) ______________ Ďalej ponúkame: Vyzdvihnutie z letiska v Seville Internet zadarmo Knižnica vrátane kníh, časopisov a audiovizuálnych materiálov. Zľavy vo flamenco show a flamenco obchodoch Informácie o show flamenco počas vášho pobytu. Turistické informácie o Seville a víkendových výletoch v Andalúzii.
ESPAÑOL DE SALÓN is a Spanish language school that offers experiences in Spanish in Seville and Andalusia (Spain). This includes language classes, taught by qualified, native and experienced teachers, as well as a program of cultural activities. These are personalized, unique and meaningful. Our clients are adults that travel, either by themselves, with a partner, family or small group of friends, who want to grow closer, get to know more, and experience Seville as a local, using Spanish to communicate while in a professional yet friendly environment. As experienced organisers, we offer you a high quality, innovative product. We want you to feel at home and to enjoy, live in and get to know Seville and Andalusia as if you were a native, receiving at all times an exclusive, friendly and professional service. Seville is our classroom.
The host are located in Seville and surrounding areas.
More than 5,000 international students have studied at Spanish Institute since it was founded in 1982. Students of all ages, teachers and professors, interns and volunteers have participated in our language programs which enable students to improve their Spanish as they learn to communicate easily and effectively in a short period of time. This wonderful, unique and enriching opportunity to live a cultural immersion in the magestic city of Seville is a life changing experience. What Makes Us Different One of the most important features that characterizes us is our personal attention every step of the way. From the moment you decide to come to Seville, to your arrival at the airport and during your stay, we will make sure you feel at home. Another essential feature is that we work with an effective learning methodology that promotes fluency from the beginning. In fact, we offer training for teachers who teach Spanish as a foreign language in many countries. In addition to language, we want to share our culture and history, our way of life to strengthen ties and promote understanding between different cultures. One more feature to highlight is the quality from a human and professional point of view of our programs.
Tento týždeň hodín španielčiny sa mi naozaj páčil. Najradšej by som tam zostal dlhšie. Skúsenosť bola veľmi obohacujúca! Učitelia sú kompetentní, príjemní, pozorní... Škola je veľmi dobre situovaná a veľmi dobre organizovaná. Veľmi sa mi páčili... more
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, v Seville je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy španielčiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.