Our mission is to engage our students in language learning and intercultural communication. We do this by providing high-quality language tuition, from individuals to institutions, through our group courses, private tuition and corporate training programs. At VIVE, you’ll learn Spanish from native speakers who have undergone extensive training. Each Spanish teacher will bring their own personal experience, offering a unique perspective on the life, culture and society as the course progresses. We have facilities of more than 600m2, located in C/Guardia Civil, 30, in the heart of the university area, near Blasco Ibáñez and Avda. de los Naranjos, with all types of classrooms perfectly equipped and prepared for teaching Spanish as a foreign language. We also have spaces for workshops, study areas and spaces where you can chat before and after the lessons. VIVE is perfectly connected by the metro and bus network to any point in the city, from the city centre to the beach. In addition, Valencia is a medium-sized and completely flat city, with bike lanes all over the city, so a bicycle is ideal for any journey. We use the immersion method of language teaching. This means the majority of the course will be conducted in Spanish. Our methodological approach is communicative. We ensure that the communicative situations with which we work are close to the reality of the students and their needs. All our courses, methodology and curriculum have been developed taking into account the Reference Levels for Spanish of the Instituto Cervantes and the Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching and Evaluation.
Our language school provides students with the opportunity to learn Spanish in Valencia. Euroace enables you to learn in a friendly environment from native Spanish teachers, who adopt a practical approach to learning. We've been accredited by the Cervantes Institute of Language Schools and have just been accepted by Fedele, further affirming our commitment to excellence. We are situated in the heart of Valencia, on Colon Street, just a few minutes’ walk from the most important touristic sites and shopping area. There are multiple public transport options available nearby. Our flexible choice of Spanish courses enables you to start at the level of your choice, learn in a group or one-to-one setting, and choose the best timetable for you. We believe learning Spanish is an individual process; therefore, we do our utmost to facilitate each of our students’ personal development and provide them with a comprehensive and unique learning experience.!
ANGEL LANGUAGES is located in the heart of Valencia, a few steps away from the city centre. On the one hand, the school's excellent location and its wide variety of courses make it an ideal location to study Spanish. The most common course is “Spanish Private Lessons”, where the teacher moves to the student's house to do the class. Many students prefer a coffee shop where the atmosphere is more authentic to learn a second language. But students can also choose from Online Spanish Course, DELE Exam Preparation, Spanish for Families, Spanish for Companies or Spanish for School Groups. On the other hand, I am a lover of action research projects. Currently working with the "flipped classroom" and "blended learning" models in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. The main objective is to offer new experiences to the students who visit the city of Valencia. The school also offers "sociocultural activities" to invite students to practice their Spanish skills while visiting popular points of interest in and around the city.
"We are a Language School in Valencia, teaching English and Spanish to adults and kids. Our mission is to provide personalized, high-quality education in a friendly, community. Our mission is to create a supportive learning environment where each student receives a personalized approach tailored to their individual needs. Our highly qualified teachers ensure that you get the best education! We offer supportive learning environment, a welcoming atmosphere that fosters growth, personalized approach, customized lessons to meet individual goals. Join us at Spanglish Language School and embark on a rewarding language learning journey!"
Hispania, escuela de español je v súčasnosti medzinárodným referentom pre výučbu španielčiny. Naša škola získala najprestížnejšie ocenenia v odbore študijných ciest, napríklad španielska škola ST Star Award 2017, 2016 a 2015, ktorá predstavuje špičkový výkon, odmeňuje úspechy a zvyšuje štandardy v celom odvetví. Okrem toho je naša škola akreditovaná najdôležitejšími profesionálnymi inštitúciami ako EAQUALS Excellence vo výučbe jazykov a Instituto Cervantes. Minulý rok s nami študovalo vyše 2500 študentov z 82 rôznych krajín. Využite výhodu a vychutnajte si nezabudnuteľný zážitok v kozmopolitnej a veľmi príjemnej atmosfére, zdieľajte hodiny a chvíle s viac ako 700 študentmi.
“Come, learn Spanish and live it!” With this motto, Costa de Valencia, Spanish school, offers all kinds of Spanish courses for all levels and throughout the year. With over 20 years experience, our school is recognized as accredited by the Cervantes Institute, which guarantees the quality of teaching Spanish to foreigners. Our teachers are native graduates in Spanish Philology and teaching Spanish in classes with a maximum of 8 students. Costa de Valencia, Spanish language school also provides accommodation to its students. The language school is situated in the center of Valencia, and is well connected with public buses and metro, close to the universities, just between the beach and the historic center. Extra-curricular activities are essential for students to apply what they have learned and to get to know the culture and personality of the Spanish people. That’s why in Costa de Valencia, Spanish school, we offer four daily activities in addition to the varied possibilities offered by the city of Valencia wit its beaches, Mediterranean climate and numerous festivals are held.
Learn Spanish & live in your private teacher's home around Valencia with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including Spanish lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Spain. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one Spanish lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Valencia. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in Spanish. All of our teachers in Spain have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Valencia, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Enforex Valencia je bezbariérová škola s kapacitou 600 študentov. Niektorí z nich môžu byť Španieli, ktorí v centre absolvujú iné jazykové kurzy, čo vám uľahčuje precvičovanie španielčiny mimo učebne!
Na pobreží, vo Valencii, don Quijote poskytuje moderné školské prostredie, ktoré leží v centre univerzitného dištriktu, ktorý je novo zrekonštruovaný a sústredí sa na technológiu, pohodlie a kvalitu a je dobre dostupný z kozmopolitného centra, rovnako ako zo slnkom zaliatych pláží pri Stredozemnom mori . Don Quijote Valencia je ideálny bod, z ktorého môžete preskúmať mesto Valencia. Zastávky električky a trolejbusu sú cez ulicu, rovnako ako niekoľkých mestských autobusobých liniek. Zo zelenej oázy univerzitného kampusu sa môžete pohodlne, počas 15 minút, dostať na Plaza Mayor a na pláž len za 5 minút. Škola sa môže pochváliť 14 priestrannými učebňami. Akademická zóna obklopuje centrálnú spoločnú plochu na 100 metroch štvorcových, vybavenú kávovarom, automaty na občerstvenie, počítači a pohodlným nábytkom pre relaxáciu medzi lekciami. K vybaveniu patrí najmodernejšie technológie, prezentované v veselé a modernej atmosfére. Don Quijote Valencia je moderné akademické centrum, v ktorom sa nešetrilo na kvalite alebo pohodlie. Výsledkom je vrelý, pohodlný domov pre vaše španielska štúdia. Centrum, ktoré ponúka jedinečnú príležitosť žiť a študovať na španielskom univerzitnom kampuse a zároveň bez námahy preskúmať zvyšok pulzujúceho mesta Valencia.
In El Carmen Spanish School, we take care of every detail for the student to feel at home, and that is the reason why the personal and direct attention to the student is very important to help the student being integrated and adapted to the Spanish culture. Our facilities are completely adapted to the students needs and are a perfect mix of modern architecture and history, what make the students feel in a comfortable atmosphere in Valencia. Because of our motivation for education and our resilience, this school is always growing and including new ideas to help students learning with the best tools in a friendly environment. Our commitment with the student is based on our excellent educational quality, offering our best to achieve your highest satisfaction in learning a new language. So that our teachers and our administration department, our facilities and our school are ready to make the student feel the main character of our story.
Dodržiavame najpokrokovejšie vyučovacie metódy založené na komunikatívnom prístupe a Európskom referenčnom rámci pre výučbu španielskych jazykov, ako je uvedené v usmerneniach Instituto Cervantes. Vysokokvalifikovaní učitelia, kvalitné španielske kurzy v Španielsku, týždenné kvízy a kontrola kvality pre študentov sú niektoré z pilierov, na ktorých vychádza AIP Jazyková škola s cieľom udržať záujem a denné úsilie svojich študentov o naše kurzy španielčiny vo Valencii.
TARONJA je krásna a jedinečná butiková škola, ktorá sa nachádza na privilegovanej ulici priamo v samom srdci španielskeho mesta Valencia. Bola založená v roku 2004 a od roku 2006 je akreditovaná inštitúciou Instituto Cervantes. V roku 2010 vstúpila do prestížnej celosvetovej asociácie jazykových škôl IALC. Vynikajúca a inovatívna metóda výučby, kvalitné ubytovanie a pravdepodobne najlepší program činnosti, aký kedy robil, robí z tejto školy najlepšiu voľbu. Taronja Spanish School ponúka nový pohľad na výučbu španielčiny v Španielsku. Ponúkame vám priateľskú a atraktívnu atmosféru s inou španielskou metódou výučby. Kladieme veľký dôraz na sociálnu a kultúrnu integráciu študentov. Z tohto dôvodu neustále pripravujeme spoločenské mimoškolské aktivity a kultúrne programy popri hodinách španielčiny. Náš učiteľský tím sa podrobuje prísnym testom kontroly kvality a kontrolám triedy. Dôležitým aspektom ich prípravy sú znalosti a používanie nových technológií v triedach a výučbových programov prostredníctvom videokonferencií a virtuálnych prostredí. V Taronji kombinujeme orálnu komunikáciu s teoretickými metódami výučby a učenia, pri ktorých sú gramatické cvičenia implementované v prospech úrovne komunikácie. Používame cvičenia na písanie, čítanie a počúvanie, aby sme povzbudili lepší rozsah jazyka a využívame aj virtuálnu triedu na podporu účelu učiteľov. Vďaka svojej úžasnej klíme, plážam a vynikajúcej gastronómii je Valencia ideálnym mestom na učenie sa španielčiny. TARONJA je samotný vesmír, špeciálne miesto zamerané na ľudí, ktorí vo vnútri cítia MLADOSŤ, bez ohľadu na ich vek.
Spanish language school in Valencia Intereuropa school of Spanish is located in the historic heart of Valencia, in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento (Town Hall Square). This is the city's most important and exclusive zone, just a few minutes from the main shopping and business area. The school is equipped with 10 air-conditioned classrooms, a social area, library service, and videoteque. Free internet access is also available to our students. A Spanish course in Valencia with Intereuropa is a superb combined package. Whether you want to learn Spanish from scratch or improve your language skills, you will be able to have a great time in Spain while you're doing it. Knowing Spanish is a great advantage. It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, as well as the official language in twenty-one countries. If you learn it, you will be able to communicate with millions of people around the world. Study Spanish in Spain at INTEREUROPA with the guarantee of an Instituto Cervantes accredited centre.
Enforex Summer Camp Valencia je ideálne umiestnený v centre mesta v Colegio Mayor Galileo Gailey. Okolie je plné univerzitných študentov a vytvára dokonalú atmosféru k objavovaniu španielskej kultúry, stretnutie s miestnymi i medzinárodnými priateľmi a pre skvelý čas! Valencia je ďalší idylické mesto nachádzajúce sa na nádhernom Stredozemnom mori, ktoré je známe svojou mladou energiou, čerstvými plody mora a paella, nedotknutými plážami a zábavnými vodnými športy. vybavenie: * Svetlé a priestranné izby s kompletným vybavením potrebným pre pohodlný pobyt * Blízkosti pláže * Herňa, TV miestnosť, IT laboratórium, solárium, hudobné miestnosť * Zariadenie pre hranie futbalu a plachtenie v prístave
Letný tábor vo Valencii sa nachádza v živej univerzitnej štvrti vo Valencii. Náš tábor je tiež v dochádzkové vzdialenosti od pláže, neďaleko od centra mesta. Colegio má miestnosť pre internet, hudbu, televíziu, hry a stretnutia, konferenčnú miestnosť a práčovňu. Kapacita: 150 študentov
The host are located in Valencia and surrounding areas.
Iter Camino is a school located in Valencia, a beautiful coastal city in Spain. Specifically, we are located on Calle Vicent Tomás i Martí, nº 7 in the Beniferri neighborhood, a quiet area of the city and very well connected to both the city center (30 minutes on foot) and the airport. The center is a spacious ground floor with easy access, on a pedestrian street, next to a pleasant park where you can go out to relax during class breaks or do various outdoor activities. It has spacious and bright classrooms equipped with everything necessary for the development of classes, meeting room, secretariat, rest area, toilets and Wi-Fi network. In the surroundings we can find all kinds of essential services: banks, post office, supermarkets, as well as bars, restaurants and entertainment venues, a library very close to the center and extensive public transport services: bus stops (nº 62 and 63), metro (Beniferri station) and tram (Florista station). Iter Camino is a center for teaching Spanish as a second language that has several years of experience and offers its students the best services to enjoy a unique experience. The school is accredited as a SIELE examination center (nº 32809) and offers preparation courses for said exam in all its modalities. The Iter Camino team is made up of a group of excellent professionals and teachers with extensive experience and experience in teaching Spanish to foreigners and who, we assure you, will make you feel at home.
El Rincón del Tándem Spanish school at Valencia was born from the idea of having a more personalized Spanish school, aimed both at those looking to have their contact with the language or improve their previous knowledge. We want to help our students, not only learning Spanish, but also Spanish culture. Because learning Spanish is more than just studying the language. It is a way of life that we want our students to learn. Our philosophy as a Spanish language school is to focus our income solely on teaching activities. Yet, we provide many more things than teaching. This means that most of our additional offers and activities provide zero gain for us. As we seek to teach Spanish, not profit from other activities. This results in lower costs for students. Our Spanish classes are generally in groups from 4 to 8 people in order to let the students benefit from closer personal attention, although we also provide private lessons.
V našej škole nájdete kompletný program, ktorý vám pomôže dosiahnuť váš cieľ: komunikovať v španielčine. Škola má moderné vybavenie a ponúka širokú škálu kurzov, ktoré poskytuje mimoriadne profesionálny učiteľ. Všetci učitelia sú rodenými hovorcami a špecializujú sa na výučbu zahraničných študentov. Naším hlavným zameraním je pomôcť vám plynulejšie sa vyjadrovať v jazykoch. Preto je naša vyučovacia metóda kombináciou tradičného gramatického prístupu s modernejším komunikačným zameraním. Škola disponuje 28 učebňami, ktoré sú všetky vybavené interaktívnymi tabuľami (projektor, počítač, internet) a klimatizáciou. Naši študenti sa učia v skupinách od 6 do 10 ľudí a každá trieda trvá 50 minút.
Where? ADOS is one of Valencia's oldest private educational institutions. We have everything you need: multifunctional reception, library... Our cozy classrooms are equipped with computers, projectors, and we often use an interactive whiteboard. Nearby the school there are several cafes, where you can relax during the pause and have a snack. Who? All of us are linguists and philologists. Language is for us not only a means of communication but also an instrument of thinking and an important custodian of culture. We will explain the grammar to you, enrich your vocabulary and help you come into contact with the most vivid manifestations of the Hispanic culture. We promise it will be really interesting! Since 01/08/2019 we are Instituto Cervantes Accredited Centre. How? In order to teach our students not only the Spanish language but also its effective application in practice, we use a combined methodology that implies both a traditional approach and advanced trends in teaching. Each lesson includes a theoretical part, consisting of grammatical analysis, lexical drilling, and phonetic training. Then, after a pause, the practical part follows, on which the acquired knowledge is developed, communication skills are formed and specific communicative goals are achieved. Cultural program To help our students discover all that there is to see and to do in Valencia, as well as enjoy and practice Spanish they learn, we organize cultural program. You will normally be accompanied by one of our teachers on these activities, so you get more opportunities to practice Spanish, and often see places that only the locals know! Many of these activities are free and others at only a low cost. They are suitable for students of all levels of Spanish, ages and abilities!
In Language Surfing, we are experts in outdoor teaching. We are creating a link between a student and local community and culture. That's why our classes - trainings take place around Valencia City in bars, parks, museums, galleries, shops and many other places. We want our student to get to know local spirit and market. That's why we don´t do group classes with people from different countries. We want you to experience a language immersion you will never forget and boost your Spanish skills effectively.
AIP Language Institute Valencia is located in the artistic and cultural city of Valencia, Spain. A student-friendly city, Valencia has much to offer. AIP Language Institute is housed in a perfect area for students, between two universities and within 10-minutes of the beach and 15-minutes of the city centre. Within the prestige neighbourhood of Benimaclet, the school has many amenities, shops, eateries, restaurants and links to public transport within easy reach. There are also several green areas and attractions close by. Sites of interest within walking distance of the school include the Jardins del Real/Vivers, the Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia, the Natural Science Museum of Valencia and the Central Market of Valencia, to name just a few. The school is a short 300m walk from the Benimaclet metro and tram station and has several bus routes nearby, offering students excellent access to the city and the surrounding areas. Valencia's central train station is within a 15-minute journey of the school via public transport. The school regularly arranges activities such as Paella masterclasses and guided tours of the city. In addition to this the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, the Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe and the Valencia Bioparc are just some of the unique features that the city has to offer. Historical locations within easy reach of the school include the Valencia Cathedral and La Lonja de la Seda.
Hispánska škola má veľa študentov, čo spôsobuje uponáhľané hodiny pred začiatkom vyučovania. Často sme museli meniť triedu. Niektoré z nich boli malé a menej vybavené. Učitelia sú veľmi dobrí, konkrétne sa mi páčil Estefan a jeho humor a... more
Počas kurzu som sa cítil veľmi dobre prijatý, aj keď mám viac ako 60 rokov. Už úvodný pohovor mi vzal počiatočnú plachosť ohľadom jazykového kurzu. Príslušní učitelia nás povzbudzovali a vyzývali. V rámci skupiny tiež vládla veľmi príjemná... more
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, vo Valencii je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy španielčiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.