The KINDERSPRACHCLUB, established in Berlin in 1996, is dedicated to making language learning an enjoyable and engaging experience for children. Our mission is encapsulated in our slogan: "Active Language Class." We provide a dynamic environment where children can learn or enhance their skills in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian or Turkish through a variety of fun and interactive activities. Our teaching quality is exceptional, as all our instructors are native speakers who bring a genuine passion for their language to the classroom. This not only fosters a love for the language but also helps students build confidence in their ability to communicate effectively. Our curriculum is designed to be both comprehensive and engaging, covering essential topics such as food and drinks, home and family, body parts, feelings and senses, people and animals, time of day, seasons, weather, the alphabet, numbers, counting, travel, and transportation. At KINDERSPRACHCLUB, we believe in the power of active and communicative instruction. Our classes are filled with professionally developed games, role-plays, and creative work papers that encourage children to express themselves in the target language. We incorporate a variety of activities, including singing, arts and crafts, and movement-based games. Depending on the weather, we also organize outdoor activities like scavenger hunts, ensuring that learning remains fun and engaging. Located in the heart of Berlin, our facilities are designed to create a welcoming and stimulating environment for children. We provide ample space for both indoor and outdoor activities, allowing for a versatile learning experience that adapts to the needs of our students. In summary, the KINDERSPRACHCLUB offers a high-quality language education that is both enjoyable and effective, supported by experienced native-speaking teachers and a vibrant learning environment. We are committed to helping children thrive in their language journey while having fun along the way.
Učitelia sú naozaj úžasní, ku každému študentovi pristupujú individuálne a poskytujú užitočnú spätnú väzbu. Prostredie školy je nádherné a samotná škola je príjemne umiestnená. Ak by som išiel do Berlína ešte raz, určite by som si vybral Alpadiu.... more
Nečakal som zábavu, ktorú som mal počas vyučovania. Množstvo študentov v triede bolo skvelé na to, aby ste povedali svoj názor, kedykoľvek ste chceli. Učitelia boli tiež skvelí; zanietení pre to, čo robia, a majú trpezlivosť niekoľkokrát... more
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, v Berlíne je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy taliančiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.