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Kurzy taliančiny v Barcelone s Language International
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Kurzy taliančiny v Barcelone s Language International


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TYPY KURZOV taliančiny

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"What visa should a student apply for a 2-week course?"

Regarding the Visa, if it is for 2 weeks, she will have to apply for a tourist Visa, not for a student’s VISA.
Bolo to užitočné? Áno
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"If the original documentx"

I can send you all the documents you need, and I could send the student certificate tomorrow by urgent mail, but you should explain to her that if she comes to Spain for one week, she will not get a Student Visa, because if she wants to stay in the country for just one week, she can come as a tourist so she doesn’t need a Visa. I can send the original documents if that’s what she wants, but that paper is going to be useful just as a “reason” to come to Spain, but it will not be useful to get a Visa, so maybe it’s enough with a copy (not original).
Bolo to užitočné? Áno
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"Can you issue an invitation letter for the visa for this course?"

Ana Abreu, študent z Brazília
Pedro Sánchez, personál Cronopios Idiomas
We can issue an invitation letter for the visa.
Bolo to užitočné? Áno