Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Bradford with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Bradford. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Bradford, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
We are a small and friendly international college based in Leeds, UK. Since opening in 2006, we have helped hundreds of students from all over the world to improve their English, pass English language exams and change their lives. - General English courses - IELTS Preparation courses - International Foundation Year - Pre-Masters courses - Cambridge Exam Preparation courses - Trinity Exam courses - Academic English courses
We are proud to say that we take your learning seriously, and our teachers do their best to make sure that every single lesson is helpful for everyone. We are happy to make your journey safe; that is why we provide VIP transportation to and from any airports in London, Manchester, or Leeds. We provide daily activities, such as football, bowling, karaoke, movie night etc. and one free monthly trip around the UK. We also have speaking clubs with afternoon tea every Wednesday. We provide lunch and hot drinks every day at the college. We arrange student accommodation with 24-hour security and support. YOUR LEARNING EXPERIENCE AT YORKSHIRE COLLEGE: SMALL GROUPS We keep classes small so that your teacher can focus on you. We accept a maximum of 10 students in each class. COURSE AIMS We help you become a more confident English language user with a special focus on functional skills and culture. Of course, you will always work on all four basic language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. COURSEBOOK We use a range of engaging coursebooks such as Cambridge Empower, Speak Out, English File and Language Hub which help you develop all your English language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. All our coursebooks include extensive online practice for further practice outside the classroom. E-LEARNING With Cambridge Empower and Pearson Speak Out series, there is extensive online practice for further practice outside classroom. TESTS You will take a placement test on your first day in the school, so that we can put you into a group that fits your level of English. After that, you will do progress tests every week, so we can see how much you improve. TUTORIALS Your teacher will meet you at least once a month for a one-to-one discussion on how you are progressing, and what else you could do to develop your English skills. CERTIFICATE of Attendance When you finish your English language course, you will receive a certificate of your studies with us, showing what course you followed. You will also receive an academic report upon request. All our courses are available for students aged 16 years or above.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Leeds with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Leeds. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Leeds, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Leeds and surrounding areas.
Leeds je mesto s hrdou športovou históriou a je ideálnym mestom, kde sa môžete naučiť po anglicky. Je dosť veľké na to, aby ste tu mali čo robiť a dosť malé na to, aby ste nikdy nestratili cestu. Naša škola je obklopená niektorými z najlepších turistických a kultúrnych zaujímavostí v Anglicku. Leeds má veľkú študentskú populáciu - čo znamená, že nočný život je vzrušujúci a sú tu niektoré z najlepších klubov na svete! Leeds je živé, moderné mesto obklopené veľkolepou krajinou, ako je Yorkshire Dales - nádherná oblasť, kam sa môžete vydať na pešiu túru.
Leeds Language College je vzdialená 5 minút chôdze od vlakovej stanice Leeds a autobusovej stanice Leeds. Je to najdostupnejšia plne akreditovaná vysoká škola v Leedse. Jeho moderný bezdrôtový kampus je považovaný za ideálne miesto obklopený úžasnými reštauráciami, kaviarňami a barmi.
Leeds, the largest city in West Yorkshire, is a dynamic and exciting place to live and study. Known as the cultural, financial, and commercial heart of the region, Leeds is full of energy and creativity. From award-winning theatre and dance companies to a world-class arena, the city is a hub for arts and entertainment. Its thriving independent food scene, renowned shopping destinations with big brands and historic arcades, and packed calendar of festivals and events make it a truly unique place. Leeds is also famous for hosting international sporting events and colourful carnivals. Easily accessible by road, rail, and air, Leeds combines breathtaking architecture with vibrant city life. Choose EP Leeds for an unforgettable study experience in one of the UK’s most lively and welcoming cities.
EP Manchester Our Manchester campus is just 15 minutes from the city centre, making it the perfect place to study and enjoy this lively and exciting city. The campus has twelve fully equipped classrooms, an IT lab, and a student library to help you achieve your learning goals. You’ll also find a student canteen, café, careers office, and a multi-faith prayer room to make your time with us as comfortable as possible. When it’s time to relax, there’s plenty to do nearby. The campus is close to Ardwick Sports Centre and the iconic Manchester Apollo, a top spot for live music. Choose EP Manchester for a modern learning environment in one of the UK’s most dynamic cities!
10% discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Škola angličtiny Communicate je nezávislá rodinná škola, kde sa každý študent cíti ako doma. Pre študentov je to ideálne prostredie: vrelé, priateľské a profesionálne. Veľká zmes národov s viac ako 30 národnosťami naraz. V roku 2017 sme učili študentov z 68 rôznych krajín a vytvorili skutočne medzinárodný rodinné prostredie. Akreditované Britskou radou a Inšpektorátom nezávislých škôl, škola behem posledné inšpekcie prekonala očakávania vo všetkých oblastiach (júl 2015), môžete si byť istí najvyššou úrovňou kvality. Sme škola s 13 triedami, študentskú miestností s pohovkou, študovňami, PC a tabletom pre samoštúdium a výskum. Communicate sa nachádza 2 minúty chôdze od autobusovej stanice Piccadilly a 10 minút od vlakovej stanice Piccadilly. Je zdde veľa skvelých zariadení, vrátane obchodov, múzeí, barov, reštaurácií v pešej vzdialenosti od školy. Budova je moderná a má recepciu na prvom poschodí s ľahkým prístupom po celý deň. Zamestnanci školy vždy navštevujú svojich študentov. Na recepcii sa môžete poradiť ohľadom skúšok, života v Manchestri alebo ubytovanie. Ponúkame konverzáciu, všeobecné kurzy angličtiny, IELTS alebo Cambridge.
Manchester je pulzujúce a vzrušujúce severné mesto s 3 univerzitami a 2 prednými ligovými futbalovými tímami! Vynikajúce dopravné spojenie spája Manchester s hlavnými mestami po celom svete. Študujte v našej dobre vybavené, centrálne umiestnené škole. Manchester je univerzitné mesto a hlavné centrum pre umenie, médiá, vysokoškolské vzdelávanie a obchod. Študenti si môžu vychutnať nočný život, fantastické nákupné príležitosti a rozmanité umelecké a kultúrne scény vrátane galérií, múzeí, divadiel a hudobných miest. Manchester je tiež domovom dvoch známych futbalových tímov z Premier League, čo je ideálna destinácia pre športových fanúšikov.
Každý učiteľ na MCSE má úplnú kvalifikáciu s uznávanou učiteľskou kvalifikáciou a vysokoškolským vysokoškolským vzdelaním. Väčšina našich učiteľov má viac ako 2 ročné skúsenosti s výučbou vo Veľkej Británii alebo v zahraničí. Sociálny kalendár MCSE ponúka každý deň množstvo zaujímavých a spoločenských aktivít, z ktorých mnohé sú bezplatné. Spravidla sa každý týždeň uskutoční: stretnutie v miestnej kaviarni v centre mesta, hovoriace kluby, návštevy múzeí, bowling, sezónne udalosti, návštevy iných miest, ako je Liverpool. Pri každej spoločenskej aktivite bude sprevádzať študentov jeden z kvalifikovaných učiteľov MCSE! Naše vybavenie zahŕňa: počítačová miestnosť s bezplatným pripojením na internet, bezplatné bezdrôtové pripojenie na internet, materiály pre samoštúdium, knižnica a študentská miestnosť s nápojmi a občerstvením, ktoré je možné zakúpiť. MCSE sa nachádza v samom srdci centra Manchestru v Piccadilly Gardens. Sme do 2 minút chôdze od autobusovej stanice Piccadilly a zastávok električiek Piccadilly a Market Street. Sme tiež kúsok 10 minút chôdze od vlakových staníc Piccadilly a Victoria. Na dosah ruky máme veľa slávnych obchodov, múzeí, barov a reštaurácií v Manchestri.
Naša Manchesterská škola sa nachádza v centre Liverpoolskeho centra, takže študenti majú prístup k všetkému, čo potrebujú, okamžite! Disponujeme 18 učebňami, knižnicou, IT štúdiom, techno hubom a herňou, ktorá obsahuje pinball, futbalový stôl a hernú stanicu. NCG Manchester l je najmodernejšie zariadenie navrhnuté na mieru, ktoré poskytuje študentom optimálne vzdelávacie prostredie. Vďaka interaktívnym tabuľám, študijným balíkom IT a špeciálne navrhnutým technologickým centrám NCG integruje technológiu do výučby anglického jazyka. Obe naše školy pre dospelých prešli inšpekčnou rukavicou a ukázali sa ako vynikajúce centrá. Sila vo výučbe sa často neudeľuje, ale obe školy to dosiahli - takže ak snívate o zlepšení svojej angličtiny, môžete si byť istí, že NCG je fantastické miesto na uskutočnenie vašich snov.
Kurzy anglického jazyka v Manchestri Ponúkame kvalitné jazykové vzdelávanie, malé triedy a jedinečný výber programov. Zaviazali sme sa poskytovať najvyššie štandardy kvality a zabezpečiť, aby bol váš študijný program vo Veľkej Británii anglický zážitok, ktorý si budete ceníť po zvyšok svojho života. Tešíme sa, až vás tu privítame! V Berlitz Manchester povzbudzujeme študentov, aby maximalizovali výhody svojho študijného programu vo Veľkej Británii ponorením sa do britskej kultúry a spoločenského života. Poskytujeme aktívny sociálny kalendár pre našich študentov anglického jazyka okrem možnosti absorbovať kultúru a zároveň navštevovať náš kurz angličtiny tak, že využijeme možnosť ubytovania v rodine s rodinou angličtiny.
Čo dnes robí Manchester, svet urobí zajtra. EC Manchester je priestor v srdci tohto revolučného, podnikavého a inovátivného mesta, presláveného svojím futbalom na svetovej úrovni, živou hudobnou scénou a priateľským severným kúzlom. Založená: 2014 Kapacita centra: 135 Učebne: 9 Minimálny vek: 16 Počet študentov v každej triede: Priemer 12 (Max. 15) Škola zahŕňa 15 počítačov pripojených k internetu 3 tablety na recepcii Bezplatné Wi-Fi pripojenie k internetu v celom centre Knižnica Študentský salónik Miestnosť pre samoštúdium
Are you looking for a language school that offers a reliable personalized service, the highest teaching standards all in a great location? Here at Britannia English Academy, we have small classes with a maximum of 8 students. Our smaller class sizes mean that we can offer excellent teacher-student contact ensuring good results and the highest levels of achievement. The school also offers a wide range of social activities, including weekend trips and Conversation Club, with over 60 people attending during our busiest periods! We are located in the heart of Manchester - the most vibrant, iconic, cultural destination in the UK. We run a Junior Programme in Manchester as well as a Summer Camp at Queen Ethelburga's Collegiate in York.
Essential English Center je butiková, nezávislá škola umiestnená v srdci pulzujúceho Manchesteru a naším cieľom je ponúknuť našim študentom kvalitný, profesionálny a inšpiratívny zážitok z výučby jazykov. Náš tím profesionálov na tento účel zabezpečuje vynikajúce učebné osnovy, vynikajúce osobné služby a to všetko vo vynikajúcej polohe centra mesta Manchester. Zaviazali sme sa zabezpečiť, aby naše vysoké štandardy boli neustále splnené a aby ste dostali vzdelanie a skúsenosti, ktoré očakávate a ktoré si zaslúžite. Záleží nám na vašich budúcich cieľoch a rozumieme, že pre mnohých našich študentov je to príležitosť raz za život sa učiť, prežívať a rásť. Náš tím tu bude počas tohto procesu s profesionálnymi radami, podporou a priateľskou tvárou. A čo viac, výberom The Essential English Centre si vyberáte jedno z najlepších medzinárodných miest, v ktorom môžete študovať a žiť. Centrum Essential English nie je len škola, je to rodina, a tešíme sa, až vás privítame!
Notting Hill College is located in the centre of Manchester. This location provides an ideal learning environment for students looking to learn English as they can immerse themselves in a city of culture. From visiting the prestigious Manchester Library in St Peter's Square or the recently re-opened Whitworth Art Gallery, there really is no shortage of opportunities to enhance your learning experience. Students can choose from a variety of courses such as our General English and IELTS courses. Notting Hill College provides students with the option to study expert courses while learning at a pace to suit them. Facilities include a dedicated study area with wi-fi, free refreshments, and self-study materials.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Manchester with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Manchester. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Manchester, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Manchester and surrounding areas.
IH InTuition Languages je lídrom na trhu v oblasti výučby domácich jazykov - kde študenti žijú a študujú jeden na druhého v úplnom ponorení do domu svojho učiteľa. Kurzy sú prispôsobené individuálnym požiadavkám a akademickým požiadavkám každého študenta - od všeobecnej angličtiny po prípravu na skúšky a obchodné a profesionálne kurzy sú naše programy úplne prispôsobené potrebám každého študenta. Zrýchlený pokrok je zaručený v prostredí jeden na jedného a úplné ponorenie, dokonca aj mimo formálnych tried. So sieťou viac ako 600 učiteľov v celej Veľkej Británii, Írsku, na Malte, v USA, Kanade, Austrálii, Francúzsku, Španielsku, Nemecku a Taliansku sme schopní ponúknuť najširšiu škálu zážitkov a dobrodružstiev v oblasti jazykového vzdelávania. IH InTuition Languages, založená v roku 1990, je hrdým členom Medzinárodnej organizácie House House World Organization, jednej z popredných svetových organizácií pre výučbu jazykov. Sme akreditovaní British Council na výučbu domácich kurzov vo Veľkej Británii - prvá organizácia, ktorá získala túto akreditáciu.
Sheffield Language Centre is an international English Language Centre that offers a great choice of high-quality English programs for international students in the UK. Our mission is to enhance learning to help students achieve valuable results at every step of their career. Our centre continuously works on improving new practical English learning methods to teach international, non-native English beginners and advanced learners who want to hone their English skills. We help learners discover the love of learning that will provide opportunities throughout their lives. Our style of teaching is unique, interesting, engaging and professional. Our highly-qualified staff focuses on an individual’s involvement through daily life learning materials, practical and interactive activities.
1 free week for every 15 weeks purchased for some courses from 1-52 weeks until 25 Jul 2025 Show details »
Whether you want to develop a basic knowledge of the English language, get familiar with everyday expressions or want to understand complex English text and abstract topics, this course has a lot to offer in order to help you develop your English. With English classes in the morning and social activities in the afternoon, it is the perfect course to learn and improve English whilst discovering British culture. Please note this is a full fee course, with no fee remission; fees are payable in full before the start of the course. About the Course Elementary Level You will develop basic knowledge of the language, familiar everyday expressions and simple phrases. This level is equivalent to the Council of Europe Language Level A1. Pre-Intermediate Level You will develop your skills to become familiar with frequently used expressions and conversation on routine matters. This level is equivalent to the Council of Europe Language Level A2. Intermediate Level You will learn to understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure etc. This level is equivalent to the Council of Europe Language Level B1. Upper Intermediate Level You will be able to understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in your field of specialisation. This level is equivalent to the Council of Europe Language. Level B2. Course Start Dates: Every Friday to Friday from 8th Sept 2017. Enrolment will take place on Monday at 10.00 Courses run daily: 9am - 10.30am; 10.15am - 12.15pm and 1pm - 2.30pm. The 9am - 12.15pm classes concentrate on improving your general English abilities and the 1pm - 2.30pm classes focus on skills development for EFL examinations such as Cambridge KET, PET, FCE and IELTS.
Express English College is a Manchester-based college that aims to offer quality education to international students who want to study English in the UK. We give students the opportunity to try a new and memorable learning experience and work hard to improve student’s English language skills and boost their confidence. EEC Location The school is located next to many of the major travel routes to and from Manchester’s city centre.
La Academia is situated in a leafy suburb of Manchester, close to good restaurants, cafes and Manchester Airport. It is located in a premium area, close to a train station (only 15 minutes to the centre of Manchester), the tram (this takes you to both football grounds) and many buses. From central Manchester you can reach many North West cities of cultural interest, such as Liverpool, Chester and York. Our courses are delivered by qualified and experienced native teachers, on a one to one basis - this makes the most of your time and progress is guaranteed as you are not sharing your time with a large class of various levels. We do not use pre-printed sheets or self-study material in lessons, all students get a tailor-made course to achieve their aims and reach their potential. You discuss your goals with your tutor and he/she builds your course around achieving them. Daily lessons are normally 3 hours' long, 15 hours per week, with homework given for self study in your free time - although some students choose to have more contact time and this is flexible. We offer Home Stay facilities which adds to the cultural experience and helps with language improvement. We also offer optional trips to nearby attractions.
The host are located in North Yorkshire and surrounding areas.
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, v Huddersfield je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy angličtiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.