Preston Academy of English was established in 2012 growing every year in providing quality courses and a great British cultural immersion programme. Our students are mainly aiming for admission to UK universities and work-related needs. Our success is built by the students themselves who enrol with us by way of recommendations and word of mouth. Preston Academy of English (PAE) is in the city centre with great restaurants, parks and shopping nearby, it is easy to find places to relax and sample the local British culture. PAE has 5 classrooms with a student self-learning centre as well as Student Lounge with Xbox, football game, Hot and cold drinks machines and FREE fast Wi-Fi. Our PAE Online blended learning suite takes the best of PAE’s immersive learning experience – and makes it available at home. PAE Online provides virtual classroom support and activities , learn online and in the classroom with an easy to use online platform. With this facility, you will have access to PAE’s unique package of offline materials, online resources and direct contact with your teachers. PAE supports students in learning and using English using the Task Based Learning method. Students are taught using real life and topical situations to increase language use. Technology is used by way of the Student Self-learning Centre to enhance their learning experience This supports an increase in confidence and completion of objectives. PAE has daily social activities which enhance student immersion in the British culture. Visits to Preston's Green Flag awarded parks, guided tour of historical Preston sites are some of the activities. Saturday excursions (in summer months) include visits to Manchester, Liverpool, Blackpool, the Lake District, York and North Wales. These activities are done with teachers to ensure practical learning takes place. The university city of Preston with nearly 40,000 students from all over the world, makes it great destination for English language learners and experience a taste of British culture.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Liverpool with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Liverpool. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Liverpool, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Liverpool and surrounding areas.
Imagine English Language Academy is located in the heart of Liverpool's City Centre, a city big enough to be lively and exciting but small enough to find your way around and familiarise yourself with quite quickly. Our city is often voted as being the friendliest place in the country. Being situated in the business district 5 minutes walk from Liverpool One, and along with our standard and tailored courses, it makes us an ideal choice as the place to study English. We offer a variety of courses ranging from General English, Exam preparation (all Cambridge Exams and IELTS), Job preparation, Business English, Cert IBET, English and Art, Family Summer Camps, one to one tuition and much more. We are a family run school with a passion to help students realise their full potential in a friendly structured environment, you will never just be a number! We understand that you might have to work and learn at the same time and may only be able to attend 2- 3 lessons a week or that you find a particular area difficult and might need extra support. Whatever your needs or requirements are, we will try to find away to help your reach your potential. At Imagine English we offer a social programme to help build friendships and practice new English skills and we encourage our students to mix with students from other schools by advertising weekend excursions for students across the city, which will help shape your English learning experience. Two of the Premiership’s biggest football teams; Liverpool and Everton FC are just a short bus ride away. We're just a 5 minute walk from the famous ‘Cavern Club’, which was home to the Beatles and which still hosts amazing live music acts every day. Liverpool is also a major cultural centre that boasts a large number of museums and art galleries, which in most cases are free to visit. There is a vibrant night life which includes many night clubs, bars and live music. We have seen very good progress, results and feedback of our students has been consistently excellent. With expert English language training in a stimulating and supportive environment, students learn effectively, succeed in achieving their goals and enjoy an exceptional experience at Imagine English.
Pôsobivé hudobné dedičstvo nie je jediné, čo v Liverpoole nájdete. Tiež sa môže pochváliť dvoma futbalovými klubmi Premier League, najväčším obchodným otvoreným centrom v Európe a vďaka svojej bohatej kultúrnej rozmanitosti má status svetového dedičstva UNESCO. S najväčšou zbierkou múzeí a galérií mimo Londýn, medzinárodne preslávenými pamiatkami a nočným životom sa študenti nebudú nikdy nudiť. Kaplan International English Liverpool sa nachádza na druhom poschodí pamiatkovej budovy. Vysoká škola sa nachádza v skvelej lokalite, iba 10 minút chôdze od centra mesta a ponúka vynikajúce dopravné spojenie do okolitých oblastí.
All the world once flowed through the port of Liverpool: coffee, sugar, silk – and people all passed through Britain’s gateway to the Atlantic. Liverpool’s legacy of seafaring and trade is tangible in the stark grandeur of the Victorian docks and warehouses and the extravagant buildings created to display the wealth of the city’s Edwardian merchants and bankers. And you can sense its history as a cultural melting pot in the music with which Liverpool continues to reach out to the world. Our English school is just a short walk from the Royal Liver Building, from whose roofs the mythical Liver Birds watch over the town – and the Cavern Club, where the Beatles first performed. Regularly organizes trips to the famous Anfield stadium, home to Liverpool Football Club Bespoke 30+ program, ideal for dedicated students wishing to learn English in a professional and focused environment, studying with likeminded students in specialized classes
Liverpool offers a unique experience for all visitors, but particularly for its many international students, football fans and ‘The Beatles’ enthusiasts. Liverpool is such a compact but packed city that you’ll feel like you’re rubbing shoulders with cultural institutions no matter which way you turn. Located in the heart of the city, moments from all of the city’s best museums, galleries, shops, bars and restaurants, Bayswater Liverpool is the place to begin your language journey.
LILA* Liverpool je inovatívna jazyková škola v kozmopolitnom meste Liverpool. Sme stredne veľká škola s rodinnou atmosférou a na účely školy postavená budova poskytuje študentom LILA* štýlové a pohodlné štúdium. LILA* Liverpool sa môže pochváliť modernými vzdelávacími zariadeniami, ktoré poskytujú všetko, čo si študent LILA* môže priať: kvalitné vyučovanie, hodnotu za peniaze, širokú škálu kurzov, skvelú polohu, osobné služby a komplexný sociálny aspekt, ktorý pomôže formovať vaše skúsenosti s LILA* a v Liverpoole. Liverpool má čo ponúknuť ako živé a kultové kultúrne miesto. Máme viac divadiel, múzeí a galérií ako ktorékoľvek iné mesto mimo Londýna a ak máte radi hudbu, šport a nakupovanie, Liverpool je pre vás skvelá voľba! LILA* sa nachádza hneď vedľa rozprávkovej nákupnej štvrte Liverpool One a iba autobusovú zastávku od dvoch z najväčších futbalových tímov Premiership; Liverpool a Everton FC. Sme hneď za rohom od známeho „Cavern Clubu“, ktorý bol domovom Beatles a ktorý stále hostí úžasné živé hudobné vystúpenia každý deň. Veríme v motto, že „študenti LILA* sú už navždy študenti LILA*“! LILA* Liverpool ponúka aj: - Dostupné elektronické tabule - 18 jedinečne navrhnutých tried - V celej škole je k dispozícii bezplatné Wi-Fi pripojenie na internet - IT zariadenia „iba pre študentov“ - Týždenné a mesačné spoločenské programy s výletmi do okolia a do ostatných kútov krajiny - Veľká spoločenská miestnosť s TV - Horúce nápoje a občerstvenie - Knižnica na výmeny a požičiavanie - Tichá študijná oblasť - Centrálna poloha so všetkou občianskou vybavenosťou na dosah ruky - Modlitebňa pre viacero náboženstiev
Naša škola v Liverpoole sa nachádza v samom srdci centra mesta Liverpool, takže študenti majú prístup k všetkému čo potrebujú okamžite! Disponujeme 9 učebňami, knižnicou, IT štúdiom, techno hubom a herňou, ktorá obsahuje automat na loptové lopty, futbalový stôl a hernú stanicu. NCG Liverpool je najmodernejšie zariadenie na zákazku navrhnuté tak, aby poskytovalo študentom optimálne vzdelávacie prostredie. Vďaka interaktívnym tabuľám, študijným balíkom IT a špeciálne navrhnutým technologickým centrám NCG integruje technológiu do výučby anglického jazyka. Obe naše školy pre dospelých prešli inšpekciou a ukázali sa ako vynikajúce centrá. Sila vo výučbe sa často neudeľuje, ale obe školy to dosiahli - takže ak snívate o zlepšení svojej angličtiny, môžete si byť istí, že NCG je fantastické miesto na uskutočnenie vašich snov.
Rossall School has been described by the Good Schools Guide as ‘a warm, inclusive and remarkably happy place to be’. Set on a historic 160-acre campus on the picturesque Lancashire coastline, Rossall is one of the country’s leading independent co-educational boarding and day schools, where boys and girls aged 2–18 are nurtured in a safe, secure and supportive environment. Here pupils enjoy learning and living in a friendly, busy and challenging atmosphere in the classroom, after school and at weekends. The sense of community that defines the School is achieved through the unrivaled standard of pastoral care, the diverse pupil base and also through the permanent boarding population. With a history dating back to 1844, Rossall combines traditional British education with a modern approach which focuses on developing the whole child. With nearly fifty different nationalities living and learning together at Rossall, we truly are a global village. The combination of UK day students and students from right across the world creates an exciting international dimension and an appreciation of diverse cultures, religions, and politics. Growing and learning in such a friendly and culturally diverse environment helps our young people develop into well-rounded, confident and knowledgeable individuals – true global citizens.
Nachádza sa na pobreží severozápadného Anglicka u prímorského mestečka Blackpool, letná škola ACCORD ISS Rossall je ideálnym miestom pre výučbu angličtiny a vzrušujúci program aktivít a výletov. Budete milovať tradičné budovy Rossall School vo vlastnom impozantným prostredí a všetky jeho fantastické vybavenie, vrátane krásne súkromné pláže v okolí kampusu. Fantastické dopravné spojenie sa nachádza priamo pri letnej školy Rossall, s ľahkým prístupom do Manchestru, Liverpoolu, Leedsu, Yorku a idylického Lake District. Naša fantastická lokalita znamená, že naši študenti môžu lietať z letiska v Manchestri, Liverpoole alebo z Leedsu / Bradfordu, ktorá ponúkajú rad nízkonákladových letov. Škola je tiež ľahko dostupná vlakom s linkami medzi Londýnom a Manchestrom každých 20 minút.
Stonyhurst Language School was founded in 2012. The school is owned by Stonyhurst College which is the oldest Jesuit school in the world, founded in 1593. Stonyhurst College, famous for its connections to authors Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ('Sherlock Holmes') and J R R Tolkien ('Lord of the Rings') is set in 1,000 acres of Britain's most beautiful countryside. The campus facilities include a 25m swimming pool, indoor tennis dome, outdoor tennis courts, rugby, football and cricket pitches. Situated in the North West of England, Stonyhurst College is in the Ribble Valley, which is one of the Queen's favourite places in England. The College is just one hour's drive from Manchester and Liverpool airports. The famous Lake District is also just one hour's drive away and the seaside resort of Blackpool is close by. The Language School's English course is designed to challenge students, aged between 10-16 years old, to advance their understanding of English, improve their language skills and increase their confidence in using newly-acquired linguistic skills in interesting and enjoyable ways. With five teaching levels, from elementary to advanced, we assess every student at the start of each course, assign them to a small class of students with a similar proficiency in English, continuously monitor their progress and tailor our teaching accordingly. Students learn new grammar and vocabulary and have the opportunity to practice these in reading exercises, written work, and through listening and speaking practice. Our range of teaching methods includes group work, role play, games, surveys, presentations, quizzes, interviews, talks and workshops, as well as educational excursions. Stonyhurst directly employs all the summer school staff. We are fully committed to the enjoyment, education and well-being of every student in our care. All our teachers are qualified to teach English as a second language and they work hand in hand with our skilled and capable activities staff to give the children a fun and meaningful learning holiday.
The host are located in Lancaster and surrounding areas.
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, v Southporte je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy angličtiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.