Our St. Margaret's language school campus is located in a very secure area of London, which is highly regarded by both parents and students alike. The nearby district of London Hampstead has a very good reputation and St. Margaret's itself is one of the UK's leading boarding schools. When visiting the college, students will not only be learning the English language as part of the course, but they will also be experiencing it first hand within one of its places of origin, which will provide them with many cultural as well as social insights into the London way of life. Available activities are sports, cinema, picnic, barbecue, bowling, sightseeing, museums, karaoke, international student parties and many more activities.
Či ste študent, odborník na biznis, alebo turista, vo Watforde je jazykový kurz, ktorý je vhodný pre vás. Sú k dispozícii kurzy angličtiny pre všetky úrovne plynulosti, vekové kategórie a doby trvania. Len si vyberte typ kurzu zo zoznamu dole a môžte začať.
Kurzy angličtiny pre deti a mládež sú ideálny pre deti od 4 do 12 rokov a pre tínedžerov od 13 do 18 rokov, ktorí chcú študovať anglický v lete. K dispozícii sú 4 - 8-týždňové kurzy v lete od júna do augusta.